Chap 13:Fun challenge

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Undertale Sans POV:

After the short break, everyone was talking and I looked to Papyrus, He was chatting with another Papyrus which I think was from reapertale or something like that. I was trying to get ideas for the next shows until I gotten hungry. I walked out from the stage and down to the snack table... I soon got the idea.

"...This might be the best think I came up with...." I soon teleported back behind the stage and pulled on Paps scarf.

"Bro bro! I got the best idea for the next thing to do!" And Paps looked down at me wondering what I thought about and I grinned the biggest smile I think I ever had at that point.

Underfell Papyrus POV: 

I was talking to a few other Sanses getting their story of there AU's until I see two that looked like my brother then I saw carrots and red, I was going to go over until I saw blue talking to a few unfriendly monsters. I walked over and tapped the small one on their armor plate.

"What are you up to "Friend"? Are you here to hurt blue or what?" He growls and turns around to stare at me... He looks like me but in blues body...

"None of your business!" He growled at me and I just chuckled then I saw blue wrap his arms around the sans... Let's call them blackberry. Blue lifted him up and leaned back where blackberry's skull slammed onto the ground... Blue is strong... Dang...Oh... I am blushing... Oops. I///I

"Mweh heh heh! That's what happens when you threaten the magnificent Sans!" Blackberry just rubbed his skull and called for his Papyrus. He soon walked over.

"Master? You okay?" Blackberry pulled down on his leash to where they were face to face, You could tell the Papyrus was scared of him.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" He growled low then let go of the leash making the Papyrus be off balance. "Go get me bandages you idiot!" Blackberry pointed to science Sans and... Let's call the papyrus fallen. He quickly walked away. 

"Heh... You act like me. Look blackberry. If you keep acting like this... You won't ever have your brothers love again." I grab blue and I walk away from him smiling lightly.

"...Maybe he is right." I heard blackberry say before I left.

Underfell Sans POV:

After all of us were done talking and watching fell chat to... Did he call them blackberry? Yea. After he was done talking to him the speaker on the stage went off.

"We are starting a challenge and we need. Underswap Papyrus, Underfell Sans, And of course... Me!" It was classic talking and if it includes all of us then it must be good. The lazy bone team.. Heh.

"Alright then. Let's go." Underswap lifted me up and walked off with me on his shoulders... This reminds me of the "Short" Sprint he did getting me here... I soon feel dizzy again. Once we get on the stage he puts he down on the stage and once I open my eye sockets there are rows of honey. Ketchup... And last of all, Mustard~!

"This is the condiment challenge. The fastest one of us that complete this is the winner! And I know I am going to win." He grins and I glare at him.

"Just start already... This mustard is taunting me!" I put my hands on the table waiting for a countdown or something. 'Good luck carrots." Since I haven't eaten in a little bit I think I can eat A LOT of this. 

"ready!? Three...Two... One. GO!" Classic Paps did the countdown and I grabbed three bottles and shoved them into my mouth. I haven't had mustard in the LONGEST time! And they even got my favorite kind. Honey mustard~

"Holy Asgore!" Classic said staring at me. It looks like he did not even pick up a bottle yet.

I placed down the three empty bottles and stared at Carrots seeing he only is drinking one bottle at a time with classic. I soon picked up four bottles this time and all the other Sanses in the crowd were cheering me on so... I shoved all four and I finished them in seconds.

"Oh, my Asgore! I never knew a Sans can drink that much!" I heard someone shout from the crowd. Now everyone was shouting for me to win. I placed down the empty bottles and grabbed five this time.

"Slow down red!" Carrots said.

"Nope!" I drank all of them quickly, and I saw there were only six left. Dang it. I was hoping for more. 

"Really? You guys thought fourteen was enough?" I laughed and took three bottles and finished them quickly. This was not even a challenge. This was just a big breakfast HA! 

"PAUSE!" Classic paps called out and everyone stopped. Oh. He probably thought what I was thinking. 

"You are not even trying! Lets do this." He adds ten more to my pile and takes five out of theirs to where it was five for them and ten for me... There we go... A challenge. I stared at them then back to my bottles... I guess I well have to open my mouth plate for this one huh? Heh heh heh.

"Three. Two. One!" I snapped my mouth open like a viper and grabbed six of the bottles and snapped them in half so I would not go through the troubles of drinking it, I finished them in seven seconds and I teleported to the other side of the table doing the same thing I did to the other bottles. I lined up the bottles on the table showing I was done.

"HOLY MOTHER OF TORIEL! I THINK WE GOT A WINNER!" Classic Sans stared at classic Papyrus... I guess he dislikes him cussing lowly. Papyrus sat down saying sorry. Carrots grabbed me and teleported to his room. 

"You can beat me in that challenge but... Can you beat me another way?" I saw he locked the door and I soon found out what he was talking about. 

"Uhhh... I///I"


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