Chap 10: The party part 1

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(Picture above not mine.)

FEELS FOR MY AU (I hope Q v Q) I just wanted to add them in here so no one takes the idea :P

Undertale Sans POV:

I saw Red and... What can I call the other one... Carrot sounds fitting because he is tall and always wears an orange jacket, Well once I see them arrive I go meet up with Papyrus to go over the rules of the party and so on.

"Sans do you have the props for this? Because you were going to bring them." Papyrus says and I kind of shrink up into my hood then I remember I can teleport anything.

"I did Paps, I am not that forgetful. There in the backstage." I use my magic quickly and teleport all the props needed for the big show of all the Au's for today.

"Oh, Sans, I am proud of you passing through your lazy ways." He leans down and kisses me, He left to the backstage and I felt happy once more. Seeing him happy is all I need to be as well, I left to talk to the newcomers of the Timelines, Under circus Sans.

"Hello?" I say walking up to the skeleton brothers... The Sans had big bottom teeth, An arched back, And at least four or five feet claws... He had a big metal collar on his neck with a big long chain on it, Not to mention he was twice my size. The Papyrus had a circus outfit and he was holding the chain of the Sans collar... 

"Hello! Are you classic?" The Papyrus said and pulling the chain without knowing, Making the Sans seeming to whine.

"Yes, am... Can I borrow your Sans for a second?" I said smiling the best way to look like I was not going to do anything, I was going to take him to science Sans or someone to explain to me why this Sans was like this.

"Oh of course! Please be good pet~" The Papyrus looked to the Sans after saying pet, The Sans nodded painfully, The Papyrus handed me the chain but I held up all the chain the fell to the ground just so the Sans does not feel it pulling his neck.

"Wh-y... Hel-p...?" The Sans says his voice cracking at every sentence.

"This party was for you guys for becoming a AU. So I am making you the most happiest you can today." I look to him smiling, I am full with guilt to this Sans. His brother owns him like Red had both of his family members... Now that I think about it those two can be friends.

"Hey Steam Sans!" I shout to Under Steam Sans, He looks to me then to the other Sans. 

"Ye-s..?" He said looking to me and I nod down to the chain.

"Can you make this shorter?" I say laying the chain down for him to cut. He had his arm sick out and it changed to a saw spinning quickly, He leaned down cutting the chain in two. 

"Th-ank you..." Circus Sans said laying down seeming tired but looking over to red... He seems to take a interest in him.

"Ca-n I go ta-lk?" He looked to me tilting his head like a puppy, I nod of course and I walk with him.

Underfell Sans POV:

I was chatting to Underswap Papyrus until someone shouted to us.

"Red and Carrot! Come here I want you to meet someone." I think it was classic but I came over anyway, I saw classic with someone a little taller then him hiding behind him shy like.

"Who is that?" I say looking to... I guess I got to call him Carrots now? And then back to classic.

"This is the new AU we are having a party for, Meet UnderCircus Sans, Just call him Circus." He steps over for me to see a Sans with a lot of medal on him and big claws... Jeez those things are almost as big as my own skull.

"He-llo." He said trying to wave without falling over... He walks on his knuckles, Strange but it makes sense. Must that hurt.

"How long as me been made?" Carrots asked and I nodded to the question wanting to know as well.

"A f-ew... Weeks." Circus said laying down next to another echo flower. He seemed cute passing all of the medal and stuff.

"SANS COME HERE!" I heard classic Papyrus shout from the back stage and Classic teleported to the back no clue what is going on... The show might start soon anyway and I don't want to be part of it, Even though I did say I wonted do some stuff.

"Tha-nks for being ni-ce, My mas-ter is not as nice as y-ou two." He said showing what I thought was a smile and I nodded, Normally people in my timeline call me a loner or something else.

"Hey the shows star-" But before Carrots could finish Circus Papyrus came over.

"Hey pet your free time is up~" He sang picking up Circus Sans by his medal collar and putting him next to a seat with a leash and tied the chain to the chair...

"Hello every skeleton and human who has came out here tonight to celebrate the new creation of a AU. We well start of with songs and then we well have a instrument contest so stay tuned!" Classic said.  

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