Chap 29: Harmonious relaxation

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Okay, I am going end this story now.... next chap.

...F**k maybe not.


Underswap Papyrus POV:

I have never seen Red this excited before.... Maybe this spot must be really special then, Red was racing ahead of us and vanished into an area in the forest then we all looked at Fell and him said, "Welcome to Hidlea."

He moved away the twigs and it showed a field covered in buttercups, Different colored echo flowers, and a huge tree in the middle and it had gems hanging off it.... Now I see why Red likes this place.

"By the way what do you mean by Hidlea?" Fell laughed slightly and began to tell the story of this place.

FLASHBACK YAY! 3rd person POV:

"Come on bro!" Sans said to Papyrus out of the front of the school's yard, Papyrus nodded while Sans took his hand and Sans rushed off dragging Papyrus with him, "Slow down Sans!" Sans stopped to put Papyrus on his shoulders then started running again.

"Woo!" While Sans ran Papyrus was just laughing and having fun just being up high,  While Sans ran past Seary's (Grillby's Dad first owned diner) a few kids waved to Papyrus and others were just chatting.

"Where we going anyway, Sans?" Papyrus said as they passed the Librarby, "We're going to my secret spot!" When they reached the front of the house Sans turned right into the woods and when they exited the woods Papyrus was excited to see this beautiful place.

"Wow...." Sans let Papyrus down and Papyrus turned around and looked at Sans with starry eye sockets, "How did you find this!?"

"Erm...." Sans rubbed the back of his skull and said, "Well.... When I had one of my nightmares again I just chose to come out to the woods to relax and found this!"

Three days later...

"..." Sans was on the couch crying because the area that Papyrus and Sans call Hidlea burned down by a fire monster that was trying to prank someone... "Sans...." Papyrus was beginning to get worried about Sans until he just plainly said, "Leave me alone."


"Oh...." It felt strange to hear all the bad stuff that happens to Red, But while I looked at him he looked almost like Blue when he is excited! He was teleporting around like he wasn't tired at all...  

Red teleported onto the tree smiling like it was the best day of his life which I think it was, "Awoo!" Cassius was enjoying himself as well heh.

K im done = ^ =

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