Chap 3:Returning of the mismanaged

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(yup... Just look at the picture and understand XD and it's not mine :P)


Fighting/red liquid... Blo-

You can die if you don't like it

Underfell Papyrus POV:

I'm going to find those pieces of garbage and toss them out for good... Sans is going to get all he deserves and I well leave that other skeleton to die out in the cold alone and I don't care what they say to me I well do it... I know where Sans was able to open the portal's which is behind the house. That was the only thing that he was able to hide from me... I'm coming, Sans.

I enter the timeline in Underswap's Snowdin and everyone looks scared and nervously at me, I walked to their house and knocked on the door and a small Sans opened the door with a blue scarf on... He is cute but not the Sans I'm looking for.

"Hello, mister other Paps! What can I do for you?" He said in a tone I never heard before but his eyes were so... I don't know bright, blue, unlike my Sans eyes... I got to go find him now!

"My Sans has gone missing... And your brother has taken him when I was doing something... So do you know where he is?" I asked the other Sans and they are frozen in place then looked up at me like nothing has happened at all.

"No, sir! My brother has not even come home yet! Well... Seems both of our brothers are missing after all." He said and he just laughed lightly which was something... But he was hiding something... He is blushing lightly and looked pale.

"Alright... If you do find him send him to my timeline for a Talk" The Sans just nodded and closed the door leaving me outside and walking back to the portal to my timeline. Where I'm going to meet that other papyrus...

Underswap Papyrus POV:

After hearing Underfell Papyrus voice I was silent then I heard my brother close the door and turn to me terrified and just talking to himself over and over again saying "This is bad!" And I saw Underfell Sans wake up next to me confused what is going on.

"Ehh... I well explain to you later..." I say and he looks away from Sans and then to me.

"It was my boss huh?" He said and I just nodded knowing what well happen if I did give him Underfell Sans... I well not let him do anything so I well fight him. I don't care if he hurts me I want Underfell Sans to be free from him for at least some of his life.

"I know what your thinking other Papyrus... But don't do it... I deserve what he does to me and you don't..." He said that and It sent a shock through my bones... Why does he want this and why does his brother do this to him!? 

"I'm going to go... Brother, you stay here..." I try to teleport before Underfell Sans grabs my arm and I teleport him with me back to Underfell... Stop doing this Sans...

"Good your here..." I heard his brother say and I turned to him all I saw was a grin on his face and a knife in his hands... There were monsters around us talking to one and another and just watching... 

"Drop the knife, Let's make this a true battle," I say as I feel Underfell Sans trying to pull on my arm. He truly does not want us to fight huh... Well everyone can't get what they want.

"Hehe... I don't think so." The other Papyrus said before he sprinted right to me slashing the knife... It only cut my jacket which was good but that was my favorite one... I fall to the ground covered show and Papyrus slam his boot into my ribs knocking the breath out of me... He holds his knife right to my neck with an evil grin on his face.

"This is for taking my property..." He says before something happens.

Underfell Sans POV:

I watched Underswap Papyrus neck almost get chopped and I could not take it... I'm tired of boss and now I don't even care if I die by my own brother... I don't want someone to die by my hands again like last time... So I teleport and ran jump kicking my brother in the skull making him slammed into a tree and the onlookers get shocked at how far I kicked him.

"Sans...?" I heard Underswap Papyrus say and I just look at him strictly and he just sits up and looks down at the ground... I continue walking to my brother who stood up and spits out blood and glared at me still holding the knife... I have been in battles before and I was ready for this one.

He slashed the knife at me like I was any monster so I dodged all of the attacks and teleported behind him and hit him with a bone to the skull he took the hit but he stayed where he was not falling yet... I know how many hits my brother can take so I well give him all of them... 

I Sent my GasterBlasters out of the ground and my Brother just looked at them not knowing what they did before they started to charge and blast at him, He dodged the blast before one of my Blasters were in front of him he dodged before it blasted at him so it rammed him in the ribs before he knew what was going on and he fell to the snow... Everyone looked at me and the creatures I used in my attack...

"Uuu-ugh..." I heard my boss say in pain... Great now I can finally finish what he started, I walked to him and grabbed his scarf pulling him to me and looking into my eye sockets with no emotion and all I could do is make him look weaker... So, of course, I held a bone to his neck.

"You started this boss... It is not my fault for finishing this..." I dropped the bone and let it turn back to magic... I was tired once more and I did not care this time I know I was falling slowly and I well not rest until boss knew how I felt. 

"Why couldn't kill me, brother? Why could you not let me die but you tortured me just like... TALK DAMN IT! I KNOW YOU CAN!!!" I Shouted at my brother and he just stared at me in shock, He does not understand how I feel yet, So I well tell him simply.

"I DID NOT WANT TO BE BORN IN THIS TIMELINE BROTHER! I DID NOT ASK TO BE MADE! AND NOW I ALL I WANT IS LOVE AND YOU GIVEN ME PAIN!" I Shouted again and now he was more shock and he looked scared now, I heard footsteps behind me and talking but I did not care.

"Why... Wh-y did you let me hurt you...?" He asked quietly so no one else heard... I just felt weak now like I was loosing all my magic and I was dying, I know where I can regain my magic so I did not care anymore.

"B-because I did not want to hurt you... I'm sorry..." I teleported away to my secret lab that I never used in a long time, Once I found a syringe with the label " Sans soul revive do not use unless skeleton" And I shoved it into my soul and let it flow into me letting me regain my magic slowly... But now blood was coming out of my mouth dripping to the ground, I hate when that happens.

"Sans!? Come on don't hide! We can go back to my timeline if you want!" I heard Underswap Papyrus scream so I teleported back seeing everyone just look at me, I'm just tired and hungry so I let the power of sleep over power me and I fell to the ground and I saw the blood cover the ground as well... And all went black once more.

(I forgot how this story went :I)

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