Chap 24: Goo-ish welcomer

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Maybe sad IDK


Underfell Sans POV:

It's really boring just laying down listening to Undyne that acts like Alphys and Stretch... But then I heard them talking about things down here called, "Amalgamates." They talked about them quietly and then we heard a noise coming from one of the rooms behind me.

"...Umm..." Stretch said and slowly backed up saying, "Don't move Red..." I think it came inside to this room... Why does all the bad stuff happen to me?

It made a lot of barking noised and it leaned over and I saw something begin to drip which was black... I thought I was about to have another soul attack until it comes over and seemed to lick me which caused me to close my eye sockets then I opened my eye sockets...

It had a big black hole that was his face, He or her... Does it have a gender? Well, it had a black tongue and it seemed to have smeared it on my skull.

"Borrrkark!" Then it laid its head on my lap and seemed to be looking at me, "...Erm."

I pet the Amalgamate and it puts it paw on my arm like it wanted to just be pet. 

"What is that thing....?" It seems that Blue and Fell got back and I just continued petting it and it moved to the other bed and sat down on it barking and whining a lot, I looked at my hands and I had a white goo on it, I wish this stuff does not stain.

Another short chapter because I am losing ideas....

*Dab*    *Dab*     *Dab*

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