Chap 19: Poof!

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FLUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (Looses breath and passes out)

Underswap Sans POV:

I was just decorating the cake then I left the kitchen seeing Red freaking out and Stretch just frozen... What is going on with them? I walked over and Fell just dragged me off to the side.

"What is going on! Error, Ink, and PJ just walked over and chatted with them and gave them a basket and they just flipped." I understood very quickly and laughed loudly, I know dad used to tell me but I thought he told Stretch but nope! HAHA

"Omg, I must be the bigger brother now because I know already," I felt Fell grab me again and shook and said, "What!?" I laughed again and he let go.

"They're having a kid." Fell's face just dropped quickly, He walked into the kitchen and he grabbed a drink... He just chugged it all down, "PFFT HAHAHA!" I could not help but laugh.

UnderFell Sans POV:

Stretch finally moved and hugged me to try and calm me down and once I did we both looked at each other  like, "We need a plan." I sat up and tried to think about it then I saw a flash above my skull and I caught whatever fell.

Internal:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... It was a kid... Good Okay yeah, this is fine... totally fine... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Stretch looked at me and his eye sockets widened and Error and Ink silently clapped. 

  I saw it was sleeping so the slight movement might wake them, I slowly stood up and held out the kid to Stretch and he did not want to take them yet, "Take them please...." He did so... I can finally pass out...!

Underswap Papyrus POV: 

I watched Red pass out and PJ caught him quickly, "Dang, He really wasn't ready to have a kid..." Error said jokingly and Ink hit him across the head.

"Don't joke about that!" Pj laid Red down and he got up rubbing his skull, I felt the kid move and I looked down to them looking up to me with two white pipuls, Then they lit up, the left eye was blue with red in the middle and the other was orange.

"Gah!" he reached out his arms and pushed down my skull and booped me with his little hands, I saw Blue walk to me and smiled brightly.

Red opened his eye sockets and look at me with starry blue pupils and a light smile he got up and looked at Fell quickly then walked over and smiled down at the kid, "What should we call him?"

We both looked at one another then came up with an idea like we were connected, "Cassius?" Red said and it seemed good to me, "Alright."

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