Chap 16: The secret

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Fluff after sin :P

Underfell Sans POV:

I woke up and looked over, I wanna call him stretch instead but classic calls him carrot... Oh well, I call him what I like. I saw he was still asleep so I got up trying not to wake him up, I clanked him on the skull and teleported in the middle of where the party was.

"Huh everyone seems to be packing up then," I say and look over seeing the food being packed up too, I wanted to try that chocolate molten cake... Nope! Don't think about food now.

I walked around trying to find Fell and Blue then I see them sitting down talking, I walk over and sit down next to them.

"Where have you been?" Fell looked at me and I just looked away and mumbled, "Nowhere...." As I said this my stomach(?) growled and I sighed... I should have gotten food.

"We should go see where... Your bro is." Fell looked down at Blue and I got up quickly... If they find out he was in his room and talks about you know what I'm screwed, 'I'll go find him." I quickly walked away from them.

Underswap Sans POV:

"He knows where Paps is~" I said in a cheerful tone and Fell stared at me and I continued, "They did something that they don't want you to know because he is scared~" I said once more and Fell understood this time.

"You don't think-" I nodded and smiled brightly, "Let's go home and beat them to the surprise!" This time Fell got the gif and nodded, "Let's go ask Classic to open the portal to YOUR timeline." Yea no one wants to go to his timeline of death and sadness.

"And we might be able to get some party favors from Classic as well!" I hoped off the bench and pulled Fell with me. I quickly walked to the stage seeing Classic and Paps packing up the props still.

"Hey, Classic! I and Fell both are thinking Red is hiding something awesome and we need some favors! Please!" I started bouncing up and down, He laughed slightly and looked at Paps who nodded.

"Well, that will stop me from carrying a few extra boxes." He pushed two boxes to me and Paps just crunched up his face slightly and mumbled, "Of course he had to say something like that."

"Well... You should remember this...FAVOR." I laughed and saw Paps drop the box and both him and Fell said, "OH COME ON!"

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