Chap 5: Invited with diner

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Picture above not mine and I just had too.


mention of scientific torture 

Underfell Papyrus POV:

I almost forgot about why I came here due to that little trip down memory lane but now I remembered and must talk to everyone once Sans wakes up... I forgot that even happened and how Sans lost his tooth, Now I remember.

"I well have to speak to everyone in a while, But first I'm quite hungry... Blue want to help me cook?" I asked the little Sans next to me on the floor confused but nodded once he knew I was talking to him and we both went into the kitchen.

"I Wanted to ask if you like chocolate!" Blue said and I was confused this time... What in the world is chocolate? Is it a spice or what?

"Chocolate?" I asked and he just looked at me like he was dying and most shocked like lightning. I still had no clue what chocolate was so I was still waiting for him to reply to the question.

"YOU NEVER HEARD OF CHOCOLATE!? ARE YOU A MAD MONSTER!?" Blue shouted and I heard my brother wake up with a scream and the other Papyrus screamed after him.

"Look at what you did!" I said looking at Blue disappointed.

"Well now you can have chocolate with your brother and you can tell us what you wanted too!" He sang cheerfully anyway which made me look like the worst monster in every timeline. 

"Fine... Brother and other me come in here!" I shouted in the kitchen and then I saw my other self-pick my brother up who did not really mind who did it he almost fell asleep again which shows me how weak and depressed he really has been.

Underfell Sans POV:

As I was carried to the kitchen I saw something on the counter called "Chocolate" Is that something put in food? I have no clue but I paid attention to everyone talking then boss raising his voice trying to get everyone's eye sockets on him.

"So we have been invited to all timeline party and there inviting everyone's Chara's and Gaster's there as well, Whoever they are." Once I heard Papyrus say both of their names I did not want to go at all... I teleported out of Underswap Papyrus arms and sat down on the couch trying to relax.

"You know we got to go right?" Papyrus said and I nodded really feeling more tired and hungry than last time.

"We're done with food and you guys can try chocolate now!" I heard other me say and then Paps say.

"Shh Blue! We know and we don't want Sans to get a headache after that dre- I mean nothing..."  Boss said which confused me but I shrugged it off and just thought about those words again chocolate and food...

"Can we eat first?" I asked lightly trying not to get my mind racing about food again and just wanting to sleep again and everyone agrees to eat. I saw the other me everyone is now calling Blue bring out a lot of food like tacos and potato's and other foods even mustard... Yum but I still waited for boss to tell me when to eat and I did not even know I was doing it.

"Red aren't you going to eat?" Papyrus asks and I just look at boss who does not even know If I was here for not anymore. Maybe I should ask without him needing to tell me.

"I wait for boss to tell me when to eat..." I say still looking at boss who turns to me and looks mad at first but calms down... That is new?

"Alright, Sans, you can eat without asking but not at the table...Yet." He says which lightens me up, Yet!? That means it might happen some day and I can talk to boss like a normal monster! This is so great. I get my plate and sit down below boss at the table eating and I begin to do the same.

"Uhh... Um, B-brother you seem to of... cooked too much." Papyrus said trying to cover something up but everyone thought it was normal... Huh.

"Sans you're eating too fast..." Boss said and I slowed down a small bit not really knowing I was eating when I was thinking about what Papyrus was doing. Guess my instincts kicked in at how hungry I am...

I really don't want to go to this party.

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