chap 12: Meeting your past memory

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I am combining my other story (The falling Sans/Underfells past) So.... Ye :P Btw! The Sans to the far right is supposed to have lime green eyes ;1 I failed

Underfell Sans POV:

After Blue was done with his part I went to Paps to ask him something. "Hey, Can I go talk to some other monsters for a bit." He just nods and adds. "Sure. As long as I check up on you once in a while." I smile slightly, "Alright then, See ya!" He waved as I walked away to a small group of Sans's which seem to be other me's... That's pretty cool. 

"Oh, angel fell. I did not know you were here." I said as he waved to me, "Oh hey Fell. Yea I just met these other me. Oh, wanna see my wing now?" He said. His wing was broken last time I met him. He traveled to my timeline because his brother broke it pretty badly so of course, I helped him a bit...Without bosses permission... "Oh cool. Well... What other me's are there here?" I asked and he froze up slightly. 

"There are a lot of them... But two have been freaking me out... One is in a straight jacket and the other in a prison outfit.... Do you know them or something?" He asked... He was shaking making a rattle sound.... And the longer I thought the quicker I knew who they were. "Oh no..."

Underswap Papyrus POV:

I wondered where Red went so I soon went to a crowd of... Him? They all look strange even one that acted like my bro but he had a silver tooth and... Something on their skull. Even one of them were an evil scientist! This is so strange.... 

"Red?" I shouted and almost all of them looked at me and a few of them silently laughed to themselves. "Move over chumps. I well deal with him." A few of them moved over for one to pass by... It looked like Geno Sans but as fell. 

"Look. If your calling for classic he is at the back. Good luck trying to make sense who he is talking to...Heh...Haha!" He teleported back to his spot talking to a few others. I soon went to the back of the huge group and I saw him talking to... Some of them I did not even know.

 "Red?" Sans looked over to me and waved me over. "Hey, Meet Prison me and asylum me." The asylum one just giggled and shook like he was going to explode and the other just growled.

"Hey...?" I waved slightly. "Heh...So I become weak enough to chat with a Papyrus that looks as lazy as classic..." The Prison one broke out laughing and the asylum one just stared at me with his eyes....spinning in his sockets.

"I remember when my brother punched me and knocked me out long enough for dad to do whatever.... My brother makes everything worse! When I tried to defend him he decided to punch me.... Heh.... That is probably why I end up in a prison like you!" He points at prison and he just growls.

"No, You end up like me because you killed everyone in the lab except for the lizard and the other inmates." The asylum one just laughed like crazy... Not like he was already crazy.

"Uhh.... Should I go?" I looked down at red and he slightly nodded... But.. For some reason, I wanted to know more about his past. Why is there even an asylum him!?

"Well, we were stuck in there for years. IT'S NOT MY FAULT THE LIZARD GAVE ME A DRUG IN THAT SOAP!" The prison one just stared at the other with their eyes narrowed. "It is your fault for eating it! You could have changed the wiring on the machine and escape. Not needing to kill everyone!" 

"Oh. Give all my secrets away you two!" Red began to get into the conversation. "Uhh..." I just stood there in shock... Was all this true? Did red kill people? What are they even talking about anymore?

"Oh... Sorry... Hehehe... I AM NOT! or am I...? Huh..." The asylum one sounded confused. Prison just stared at them looking kind of disappointed.

"We are arguing with our past and future selfs." He skull palms and asylum stares at them giggling and bending their head back and forth.

"Maybe you should have been in the asylum first before me.... Of course, if we did that fell or red... WHOEVER wouldn't exist... hehe.... It was worth it anyway!" Prison adds. "That is something we both agree on younger me."

"Red... Were these really past you's?" I look down at red and his eye sockets go jet black.... He nods slowly. 

"Trust me... I dislike my past too..."He sounded mad at the same time sad. He stared at himself's that were still arguing at one and other until another Sans comes out from behind asylum.

"Where am I?" The kid stared at red with two blue eyes and a sharp plated smile. They had a black and red striped shirt.

"Oh kid me... Eh... Welcome to the meeting. I am future you." Red stretched his arm out for the kid to shake it and they did.

"Wow... Are your eyes red? That's wicked! It makes y-you look" The kid stopped talking and started hiccuping.

UF Sans POV: 

Oh no... I made kid me cry... Uhh.. What do I do!? Oh, I got it! Maybe if I play this... He might calm down. I took out a music box from my jacket and winded it up and played it. The kid stared at me with a blank stare... But he began so smile and laugh.

"There we go. Don't be down kid." I pat him on the skull before I realized that asylum and prison stopped arguing and were listening to the music and smiling... Except for asylum who was crying and mumbling "I failed him... I failed them..." 

"Are you two going to stop arguing?" Both of them nodded and the kid tilts their head, confused. I smile and pick him up onto my shoulders.

"What happens in the future?" The kid asks and a chuckle. 

"Nothing much kid except for broken promises." The kid smiles look off through the crowd than to paps. They giggle and got off me.

"You look like bro... But really tall! Is it normal for my brother to be pretty? Why do you like hoodies? Are you from another timeline!?" The kid keeps asking questions to paps and he seems confused. I laugh quietly and prison comes up to me with this strange face...I think the humans call it a Lenny face.


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