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I kept thinking about Smackle in my English lesson, where was she? No one had mentioned her... I had to focus on my work first, then start digging for information.

My first lesson was English, my teacher was Miss Wilding, Lucas, Maya and Riley were in the same class as me, Zay was in a different class. The class was a bit boring, I guess. We just read the book Of Mice And Men.

After that, I had my drama lesson. Damn I loved Drama, that's why I picked it. I love acting, I would love to be one someday. Riley was surprisingly in my class for this. Finally, some more alone time with her. Our teacher was Mr Bradshaw, he was okay, I guess.

"Okay can you get into partners, and rehearse this script you've been given, there are 3 different plays." Sir said as Riley walked over to me.


"Partners." I said back as we sat next to each other. Our script was handed to us, we got Little Shop Of Horrors. I've never heard of it but Riley seemed happy.

"I LOVE THIS MOVIE." She said as I laughed. We read through the script and it was a scene between Seymour and Audrey, where they have a little heart-heart I'll say in the shop. "Okay let's practise." We practised for a good odd 15 minutes, going over the scene 7-8 times. After a while, Sir starts to talk again.

"Okay, I've been going round and all of you are so sloppy! Apart from Riley and Farkle! Riley, Farkle, can you show us your scene please, to show everyone how to actually act!" Sir said with a bit of anger as me and Riley began to act.

"Mr Mushnik's real mad at me. I keep forgetting things." I said.

"You've got a lot on your mind!" Riley said in her sweet, innocent voice.

"What mind? The Shivas are our biggest funeral account. A huge family, dropping off like flies!"

"Sometimes I think that Mr Mushnik is too hard on you." She said.

"That's okay I owe him everything. He took me out of the Skid Row Home for Boys... gave me a warm place to stay, floors to sweep, toilets to clean... and every other Sunday off."

"You know, I think you ought to raise your expectations. It's high time you get it fixed, why don't you go out and do something nice for yourself like... shop for new clothes?"

"I'm a very bad shopper, Audrey. I don't have good taste, like you."

"I could help you pick things out!" She said with her bubbly smile.

"You could?" I said.


"Okay that's enough, guys, thank you." Sir said.

"We wasn't finished." Riley mumbled as I sighed.

"Excuse me, Miss Matthews?" Sir said as everyone's eyes turned Riley.


"She didn't say anything, Sir." I said as she looked at me.

"Better not have, or you have detention." Sir said.

"What? For speaking?" I asked as he walked up to me.

"Mr Minkus, please do not speak back to your teacher, it's rude and disrespectful." He said as he turned around.

The rest of that lesson was boring, really. It was finally break and all of us are sitting at a table, and I'm about to ask them about Smackle.

"Hey... guys?" I said.

"Yes, Farkle?" Maya said as all of them look at me.

"Um... no one has mentioned..."

"Mentioned who?" Zay asked.

"Smackle. No ones told me about her, I remembered this morning about her but I didn't want to ask because I wasn't sure." I said as everyone went silent.

"Farkle... um..." Maya stumbled for words, she looked at Zay who shrugged, Lucas who just kept eating his food...

"She's gone, Farkle." Riley said.

"Gone, where exactly?" I said as Riley looked at Maya.

"We don't know." Maya said as Riley put her head on Maya's shoulder.

"Guys... what happened?" I asked.

"When Billy left our group, Sarah and Smackle got into a bit of an arguement, before we all went to High School. And then Smackle ran away from home and came to my house." Riley said.

"She said her parents wanted to move back to the Philippines." Maya said.

"And that she didn't want to go with them, and stay with us. But ovbiously, Sarah didn't want her to stay because of the argument." Zay said.

"And then she left and never came back." Lucas finally spoke.

"She didn't come to her first day of High School." Maya said.

"We never saw her again." Riley said as I was shocked.

"So, why didn't you tell me this yesterday, Riley? Or Maya, why didn't you tell me this morning? Or anyone? Why didn't no one tell me?" I said.

"I didn't think too. I completely forgot about her until you mentioned it today, I'm sorry." Maya said as Zay and Lucas nodded.

"Okay. Riley?" I said.

"I, um... just didn't want to talk about any bad memories." Riley said as I nodded and she smiled. "I just never expected her to leave."

"She wasn't being Smackle at all." Lucas said.

"But now she's gone, she isn't coming back." Riley said.

Or is she?


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