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a/n: right so I said I was doing a Zay&Maya chapter, so here we are! I hope you enjoy it x


{Zay's POV}

It's the next day. The day after Lucas told me he likes Smackle. I went straight home and planned something for me and Maya to do; I texted her yesterday and said;

Hey M, do you want to do something tomorrow? I need to talk to you about things anyway xox

She texted back at around 10 minutes later;

Hey Z, yeah I would love to. I don't think we haven't spoken much so it would be good to catch up! It depends what time though because I'm studying tomorrow with Jordan at around 1pm in Svorski's, it's only about our French exam, it will take half an hour tops xx

Quite a long text, but I accepted that her and Jordan were hanging out. Jordan is like a family friend, as far as I know. Her mum and his mum were really close, his mum is a big movie actress, I can't remember her name though. She must not be that big of an actress. I can't remember her name!

I decided to take Maya to that Glitzy Gazebo place, I knew Riley loved it so I went round her place to ask her what kind of things they did there, and I asked her some advice.

"Are you taking her tonight?" Riley asked me as I nodded. "Right, pick her up at 7pm. Take her there, and before you do anything. Get her a drink, sit down and catch-up. I know how much she's been dying to talk to you."

"Okay." I said, letting that plan sink into my mind.

"Then, after you've spoken and whatever, maybe have a little dance, then eat, or do that the other way round. Then sit her down and tell her how you feel. You could either start dating her or ask her out straight away-" she said but I interrupted, knowing already what I'd ask her.

"I'm asking her out." I said as Riley smiled.

"Then in that case, I have an idea." Riley said as she said an idea which should blow Maya's mind.

{Maya's POV}

I'm half-way into studying with Jordan. And before you say anything, yes Jordan is just a friend. But we um... Kissed yesterday when we was studying. But he kissed me! So it was fine I guess... I didn't feel anything in the kiss, it was just that we spent some quality time together, we needed it... Kind of...

"Maya... I think I'll fail this exam..." Jordan says to me as I shake my head.

"No you won't! You'll do fine! And anyway, it's not for another 3 weeks, but we are prepping early since we have all this time ahead of us-" I said but Jordan interrupts.

"I love how much hope you have in things." He said as it all went silent. I looked at him, he looked at me. We couldn't stop staring at each other.

"T-Thank you Jordan." I said finally. I checked the time and it was already 1:30. "Okay I got to go, I'm going out tonight with Zay, I'll see you tomorrow at 3 okay?"

"Okay, bye Maya." He said as I left Svorski's and I walked home.

While I was walking, I got a text from Zay;

Be ready by 7:30. Also wear something nice, I'm taking you somewhere magical

I can't help but blush at his text. I write back;


I didn't know what else to write. Suddenly, I get nervous. I know I like Zay, I have for ages now. But maybe this is something else... What if I love Zay?

{Zay's POV}

It's 7:30pm, and I'm at Maya's house waiting for her to come downstairs, ready to catch up. She walks down and I can't help but gasp. She looked gorgeous. Her hair was down, she wore a red dress, the one she wore to the Semi-Formal, back in Elementary, I think. Surprised it still fit her.

"Hey." She whispered, walking to the bottom of the stairs and facing me. "Let's go." She said as she walked to the Glitzy Gazebo.

Throughout the whole journey, she asked "Where are we going?" It annoying me a bit, but that's why I love her. I hope she loves me back. We get to the Glitzy Gazebo and she gasps, I knew she'd love the place. "You actually brang me here! Riley goes nuts about this place." She said as I start to get nervous so I go get drinks and we sit down at a table near the dance-floor.

"So, how was studying today with Jordan?" I asked, sparking conversation. We started to talk about Jordan for a while, then we talked about French, the topic she was studying for. Then we talked about school. Then Smackle for some reason. After that, we decided to order food, and it came about 10 minutes after we ordered! Good service I say! While we were eating, we mainly spoke about Riley and Farkle and how cute they were, and that we were glad they were finally together. After we finished, I looked at my watch, it's 8:23. What I planned had to be done at 8:30. Now I have to wait 7 dreadful minutes... Hurry up Riley and Farkle!

{Maya's POV}

This catchup me and Zay are having, is basically a date to me, I had waited so long for this... We are laughing, eating, talking about random things. I feel at home when I'm with Zay, I just want to be with him. I'm ready to be his... If only he asked...

Suddenly Zay looked up and pointed behind me. I looked behind to find fire-works going off, and it read a message;

Maya Hart - I'm in love with you, be mine.

I gasped and I stayed looking at the sky, just incase anything else come up. But then I hear a voice similar to Riley's I turn around to see a choir of people standing around, also Riley and Farkle, singing a song which I have loved since I was a child. I looked around for Zay but he had gone somewhere. I listened to the choir singing, I immediately knew this was Zay's idea... Suddenly, the choir stops singing and out pops Zay, walking through the middle of the choir holding a red rose with a note on it. He gave the rose to me and I read the note;

Say yes.

That's all it said.

"Maya Hart, will you be my girlfriend?" Zay asked me as I started to cry.

"YES!" I said, jumping all over him. He picks me up and spins me around. I'm so happy.

{Zay's POV}

After all that happened, I saw Riley speaking to someone on the phone and she seemed a little sad. I know it's a bad thing to do, but I went round the corner and eavesdropped;

"You need to stop calling me, I'm with Farkle." She said. "Yeah I love Farkle! I thought I had some feelings for you Charlie, but they weren't real! You were like a crush." She said, waiting around. "Charlie, we can be friends and that's it." She hung up then and ran over to Farkle and pretended nothing happened...

Oh shiver me timbers.

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