"You Are Loved..."

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I woke up the next morning and decided to go to school, I didn't want too... but I felt like I had too. It was Friday aswell, might aswell just go in and show my face.

It was only me and Smackle who showed up today, none of the others did. Maya texted me saying she felt ill so she's at home. It's now Break and Smackle catches up to me.

"Farkle!" She says as I turn around.

"Smackle..." I say as she smiles.

"Are we okay? Because in all this arguing, I think you're the only person I have." She says as I nod.

"We were fine anyways, I only got angry with Lucas, and partly Zay, you weren't a part of this-"

"Well I need to talk to somebody... I've done something bad... Really bad-"

"What's happened now?" I asked as Smackle looks as if she's going to cry.

"I had-"

"Let me guess... You slept with Lucas... I know already-"

"What? Who... Oh... Maya told you-"

"Her and Lucas have broken up now, why Smackle? Why!?" I shouted as she jerked back a little.

"I hate Maya, I wanted to get my own back on her, so I slept with her boyfriend and I'm pregnant so she can't put nothing against..." Smackle said as she realised what she just said. SHES PREGNANT.

"You fucking what?" I whispered, walking closer to her and she ran off. "I can't fucking believe this..." I said to myself. I need to tell the others... but first... Maya.

{Maya's POV}

I walk to his house... God I'm scared... I guess I should hear him out... I knock on his door and he opens it.

"Maya..." Lucas said, looking surprised.

"Look I'm not forgiving you... I came to hear you out... I'm meant to be with Farkle, so come on put the kettle on!" I said, walking into his apartment. I sit on the couch as Lucas makes me a cup of coffee. He passes the cup to me and I take a sip, and put the cup back down.

"Shoot." I whisper.

"I don't know what to say... I did it out of greed, Smackle just started coming round here, and we got close as friends..."

"So it started off innocently?" I asked as Lucas nodded.

"Then we ended up having a kiss... and then we started making out... and it became a thing... and then we-"

"Fucked?" I said as Lucas slowly nodded.

"And we banged loads of time-"

"Okay... Enough." I said, drinking a few mouthfuls of my coffee. "I don't know whether to forgive you because... well... I don't know why I shouldn't yet..."

"It's because you love me... Isn't it?" He said as I nodded slightly. "You know I love you."

"I know." I said with a smile as Lucas hugs me, I hug him back. "I hope we sort this soon..."

"Me too." He says as my phone rings. I pull out the hug and look at my phone, It's Farkle... Wonder what he wants... I stood up and walked  away from Lucas.


Maya! We need to talk.

Now? I'm speaking to Lucas-

Get away from him Maya, he's no good for you-

What are you talking about?

I said, turning around looking at Lucas while on the phone.

Smackle just told me she's pregnant!

I froze. I looked straight at Lucas as he got confused.

Maya? You there?

Yeah yeah! Um... I'll call you back, Farkle.

I hung up and sat next to Lucas.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked Lucas as he moves away from me a bit.


"LIAR!" I said as I looked at the first thing I saw which was a glass with black-currant in it, and I threw it at his living room wall and it smashed and all the black-currant stained the wall. "Start telling me the truth, NOW!"


"See that's Fuckboy language right there..." I said as I started to cry.

"Okay okay! Smackle's pregnant so what!-"

"What do you mean so what?!" I shouted as I walked right up to him. "You could have told me!"

"You would have been angry with me either way!" He said as I slapped him and walked out his apartment.

{Riley's POV}

I laid in bed all day, contemplating this whole argument... I just wish everyone will be okay... so me and Farkle can work again! I get a text from Maya.

Hey Riles! I just found out something that I think you should hear... Smackle's pregnant... Farkle just called up and told me while I was round Lucas, and before you say anything, nothing happened! But I'm on my way over, open the bay-window! - Maya x

Smackle's pregnant! Oh no...

I got up and opened the bay-window, I tided my room for Maya, and when I finished, Maya arrives.

"Hey." I said to Maya as she climbed through the bay-window and belly-flopped on my bed. "I just made that." I said as she turned around and looked at my ceiling.

"He says he loves me, but then he goes and gets her pregnant. I don't think I'll be able to speak to Smackle again after this..." She said as she started crying. I laid next to her, and hugged her. "I just want to be loved Riley-"

"You are loved, you're loved by me." I said as Maya cried more and more.

I need Farkle at this point because I feel like crying too... I want him and me to be together... but all this arguing and Smackle getting pregnant... I don't know if we can work...

"I know you're getting sick of this situation, Riles. You're meant to be with Farkle... I love you guys together-"

"I'm not talking about me and... Farkle today-"

"Go get him Riles... for me." She said as I looked straight at my ceiling.

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