"Can We Turn Back Time?"

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I got home at 6pm, early enough not to miss mine and Riley's anniversary.

"Hey Honey! I'm-" I walked in and saw Riley already eating dinner without me. The room was nicely made and candles lit everywhere. "Babe, this looks beautiful."

"Yeah." She said as she swallowed a big mouthful of food and continued eating.

"Why did you start without me? It's only-" I said as I looked at my watch. 9:56pm. "Riley-"

"Save it." She said as she took her plate and put it in the sink. She stood there infront of it, with her back facing me.

"Riley I'm sorry." I said, walking closer to her. "This was the earilest I could have finished-"

"But the one day we planned... The one day you said you'd promise you'd be here." She said as she started to cry. "Our 5 year anniversary Farkle!"

"I know, and I'm sorry-"

"Is that all you can say?" She shouted as she turned to look at me. "I'm sorry Riley. I'm sorry this. I'm sorry that. Screw your apology!"

"Riley, please-"

"This is the one day I wanted us to be together. Just one night Farkle! And you couldn't even manage that..." She said walking away and putting on her shoes and her coat.

"Where are you going?" I whispered.

"Maya is taking me out tonight, I'll be back in early hours." She said as she began to walk out the door.

"You have a class tomorrow afternoon?" I whispered again.

"I don't care!" She shouts, slamming the door. I immediately feel guilty... I should have left eariler, but I had to keep on taking photos...

"Can we turn back time?" I ask myself as I get undressed and fall asleep in bed.

Next day

"And a one two three four, one two-" I interrupted myself with a massive yawn.

"Did you get a late night last night Miss Matthews?" Quinn asked.

"What?" I asked my class of 16, under 18 girls.

"You heard her Miss." Brittany said as I blushed a little.

"Where were you then? Spill the beans." Santana asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"I went out partying with Maya-"

"I thought it was yours and Farkle's anniversary?" Rachel pointed out as I sat down and the girls sat around me, like it was storytime.

"Well I prepared everything. I got home at 4pm, done the whole house up, candles lit and everything. I was ready by 6:30. He was meant to be home by 6 but I thought maybe the traffic was bad so I thought he would be home by 7ish. So I waited. And waited. By the time it was 8pm I put our dinner in the oven and then I texted him. Over and over again. No answer. He walks in just before 10pm and pretends everything's okay, so I eat my dinner and we argued, so I left. I went out with Maya and I came back around 5am. I only got about 6 hours sleep."

"Miss!" Tina said.

"That's really bad, you should talk to him." Lauren suggested.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"You love him right?" Mercedes said as I nodded. "I agree to the fact that you should be angry at him, it was your 5 year anniversary. But if you knew about his job and knew what might happen, you wouldn't be this angry."

"Talk to him." Quinn said.

"It will be the best thing you've done in a while." Brittany said.

"You may sort out your problems." Santana suggested.

"And it will bring you two a lot closer than you originally were." Rachel said as I got up and was ready to leave. "Miss we still have another hour?!"

"You can teach yourselves." I said as the girls laughed and agreed to the idea.


Where's Farkle @?

"And then she walked in around 5am this morning and didn't say a word to me... I feel really bad." I said to Zay as we are speaking on the phone.

"Don't feel bad. When she comes home from ballet, talk to her about this whole thing. It will make it better, I promise." He said.

"Thanks man." With that, Riley ran through the door and looked as if she was going to cry. "I gotta drive. Brb."

"Farkle-" I hung up on Zay and ran to Riley and hugged her tight. Within 3 seconds, Riley apologises.

"Farkle I'm so sorry for last night, I love you so much and I can't afford to lose you." She said as I kissed her head.

"Don't be sorry. This was my fault." I said as she pulled out the hug so our faces our inches close. "I should have tried to leave the wedding eariler, I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She said as she kisses me. She pulls away and we look at each other, I have a realisation... "I'm going to get in the shower, care to join?"

"Y-Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes." I said as Riley winks at me and walks away to the bathroom. I immediately get my phone and ring Zay.

"Farkle what happened?"

"We're fine now." I said as Zay celebrated.

"See I told you that you'd be fine!" He said as we both laughed.

"Listen I need some advice." I said as I looked around to see if Riley is listening.

"What about?" He asked as I took a deep breath.

"Where's the nearest jewellery shop?"


a/n: cliffhangerrrrish?

what do you think Farkle is up to?🤔

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