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a/n: just thought I would add, that this chapter will include a lot of Lucas and Isadora/Smackle. You could skip this chapter if you like. It will include Riley and Farkle giving advice, but idk if some of you would want to read it because it's not Riarkle based :((


{Lucas' POV}

Me and Smackle have been getting along just fine since I got her pregnant... Even though she ruined my chances with Maya, I feel like I'm starting to like Smackle... She's funny, caring and smart! I think I should ask her out on a date or something...

Wait wait wait...

What the fuck are you talking about Lucas Friar?

You don't need to date girls, just ask them out. And maybe cheat on them.

"Lucas?" Zay says to me, trying to get my attention. I snap out of my daydreams.

"Yeah?" I say.

"What were you thinking about?" Farkle asked me.

"N-Nothing." I said, lying.

"I know when your lying Friar." Zay said.

"What's on your mind?" Farkle asks.

"I just... I think I like Isadora." I said as Zay's eyes widen.

"Are. You. Kidding. Me." Zay says as I look at him. "So... You don't like Maya anymore?" I knew what was coming next... "You wouldn't mind if I like... Went out with her?" Zay said as I nodded.

"Me and her are done, Zay. She's all yours." I said as Zay did some dance and said he was going to see Maya, he left my place and now it's just me and Farkle.

"How long have you liked Smackle then?" He asked me.

"Only since recently, I think. I think I should ask her on a date... But I've never done it before, and you must have asked Riley out on loads of dates Farkle!" I said as Farkle chuckled.

"Yeah, only three times in the past two months." He said with a smile.

"How did you like... Ask her?" I asked, wanting to know how to woo Isadora.

"Well because me and her were already together, it was easier. I just got her a red rose, wrote a note which said; 'Riley, would you like to go to the Glitzy Gazebo at 7pm Friday? P.S it's a date.' I gave it to her and she was happy as larry." He said.

"But me and Smackle aren't together, that makes it harder." I said as Farkle thought for a while.

"I got an idea." He said. "How about if you go to her house, with a nice bouquet of roses, and you tell her how you feel, and ask her out. That way, she'll know where she stands with you and she might want to go on that date with you. And if she says yes, me and Riley will plan something for you to make it perfect!"

"Thank you so much Farkle. I appreciate it man." I said, hugging him.

"Anytime." He said as I started to plan everything. I had to do this all tonight before it was too late. It was 3pm in the afternoon after all.

{Smackle's POV}

Me and Riley are at my house, having a girly day. Maya was here but she left early to do some studying at her house with someone called Jordan... I don't know.

"So how are you and Farkle?" I asked Riley, I loved her and Farkle together, they bring a smile to everyone's faces.

"We are better than ever." She says, blushing. "We need to get you with someone Smackle, and fast!"

"I don't think that's going to happen. Not with me being 5 months pregnant..." I said, feeling sorry for myself. It was kind of all my fault for getting pregnant, it was a mistake... I think...

"True, but there's one guy I think could be right for you." Riley says as I get confused. "Lucas! He's got to be the man for you." She says as I roll my eyes.

"I don't think so. He doesn't like me like that." I said as Riley pulled a bitch yes he does face.

"It's obvious. The way his eyes light up. I've known Lucas since we were young and I've never seen his eyes look at someone like that." She said.

"He must be fond of his baby I'm carrying." I said, looking down.

"I'm not talking about the baby... It's obvious Lucas likes you. And maybe you should go on a date with him, and see what happens." She said as I absorb the idea. I guess I don't mind going out with Lucas. And he has a HUGE cock so yeah I'll go along.

"I guess so... But he would need to ask me." I said as I heard a knock at my door. "Who could that be?" I get up and open the door... It's Lucas... "Lucas... I wasn't expecting you."

"Yeah... um..." He said, scratching his neck while holding a bouquet of my favourite colour flowers, yellow. "I need to talk to you."

"Come in." I said, letting him in. I turned around and Riley had already got her stuff together and left.

Now it's just me and Lucas. "These are for you." He said, handing me the flowers.

"Thank you." I said as I put them in a nearby case. "I don't get why you bought these for me. You really didn't have too." I said, blushing for some reason.

"Well... There is a reason." He said as he took a few deep breaths. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a d-date with me." He said all in one breath. I looked at him straight in the eyes. "I want to get to know you better, Smackle. And I want you to get to know the real me. And to be honest... These past couple months, I've developed some kind of feelings for you, that I don't really understand, but if we date, this could end up somewhere good." He walked over to me, and our noses are close to touching. "What do you say?"

I answered without even thinking. "Yes! I would love too." I said, hugging him. I feel so happy, that I'm getting butterflies. But why have these feelings all of a sudden come crashing on me? It's because of Lucas fucking Friar, he's a chick magnet!

a/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. But the next one is going to be based on Zay and Maya, and then the chapters afterwards will be full on Riarkle. Sorry if you are annoyed with these chapters not being Riarkle based, but I love adding some more spice to the story x

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