Time Jump

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{Farkle's POV}

It's been two months since Riley said yes to me. We've been strong ever since. No more arguments have happened, and the gang is slowly fixing; we are almost the people we were before!

Smackle is 5 months pregnant now, she's due to give birth in a couple months. Maya is still devastated and them two aren't really friends, but Maya and Lucas are okay I guess. Maya and Zay are as close as ever, I think they'll be together by the end of this year.

Enough about them, Riley and me... I'm so close with her, it's unbelievable!

{Riley's POV}

I know I know... before you say anything; yes I'm still texting Charlie. My feelings for him have grown in these past few days, as we text normally. But I'm with Farkle... I like Farkle more, I think... I need to sort my head out... I haven't even told Maya about this, well she knows I met Charlie, but she doesn't know I'm texting him.

"Hey Riles!" Speak of the devil, its Maya.

"Hey Peaches." I said as I put my shoes on, ready for the last day of school, before we break up for Christmas Holidays.

"You ready for the last day?" She asks as I smile.

"You bettcha!" I said as me and Maya went out my room through the bay-window, and walked to school, where we meet Farkle, Lucas, Zay and Smackle.

Me and Maya walk and talk like normal but my phone keeps buzzing because Charlie's texting. I pull my phone out and look at his message;

Good morning Riles! I hope you have a wonderful day at school, make it a gooden if it's your last!😉

I can't help but blush at the text.

"So then I said I-... Riley? Are you even listening to me?" Maya said as I snapped out my thoughts and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Yeah yeah! Carry on..." I said as Maya stopped walking and I stopped infront of her.

"Riley, you're acting strange... You keep looking at your pocket every ten seconds, then you pull your phone out and go red everytime you look at it! I know Farkle keeps sending you cute texts but-"

"It's not from Farkle." I said, not realising I didn't say that in my head.

"Wait... What?" Maya said, taking a step towards me. "Riley, please tell me you're not cheating on Farkle-"

"I am not cheating!-"

"Show me your phone." She said as I immediately pulled it out and gave it to her and showed her Charlie's texts. "Charlie? The guy you met in Svorski's about two months ago?"

"Yeah." I said, looking at the floor as Maya scrolled through my phone.

"You need to stop this Riley. What if Farkle sees this? He's going to flip! And I'm not having anymore arguments in our group!" Maya said as I nodded. "It's not like you like Charlie-... Wait, do you like Charlie?"

"Honestly... I think so." I said as Maya gasped and went back on my phone. She gave it back and she deleted his number off my phone. "Maya why-"

"Someone needed to." She said as I nodded. I look back on my phone to see Maya sent a text to Farkle. "Start texting Farkle, he is your boyfriend after all."

{Farkle's POV}

I'm waiting for Riley at school when my phone buzzes, Riley texts me. She doesn't usually text me, we usually ring sometimes. But we don't need contact, or maybe we do... It says;

Hey! I'm on my way to school, can't wait to see you babe!❤️❤️❤️

I immediately blushed at her text and I texted her back;

I can't wait to see you, I love you❤️

God I love Riley... she's the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't let her go again. She's mine. And she always will be.

{A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is short but I did a bit of a time jump, I was fed up of going day-by-day, please comment some suggestions if you have any!}

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