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a/n: Merry Christmas everyone! Play the song while reading if you like! But play it when Farkle and Riley go to Riley's Room to talk! The song is Whispers by Dave Baxter!

{Farkle's POV}


The time she said.

I walk to her house with the ring, in a box, in my pocket. I get so nervous. But why? After all this time, me and Riley have been in love, but all this arguing was in our way, it was the one thing in my way.

I knock gently on her front door, and it opens straight away, it's Topanga.

"Hello Farkle! Nice to hear you're joining us for dinner, we are just dishing it up!" She said as I walked in and saw everybody sitting at the table, waiting for me. I saw Riley as I smiled.

"Hey Riley, and Matthews clan." I said as they all laughed a little.

"Hey Farkle." Riley said as I winked at her. I walked over and sat next to her and Topanga gave us all Spaghetti Bolognese.

"Mommy, this spaghettis cold!" Riley's little brother, Auggie, said.

"Yours is supposed to be cold, I can't give a child like you, hot food." Topanga said in a baby voice as Auggie rolled his eyes. Me and Riley were smiling at each other throughout dinner.

After we all finished, me and Riley walked to her room and she sat on the bed;

"So why did you want to talk-" I interrupted her straight away.

"I think you know." I say with a wink as Riley puts her head down.

"Ohhhh yeah... Go ahead, I'll let you talk first." She said, I loved how she is so polite and caring...

I got down on one knee infront of her as she laughed but I shut her up by putting my hand over her mouth;

"Let me talk." I said as she nodded. "Riley... you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I started off with, she smiled, I continued; "This is all too good to be true! I never thought in a million years that me and you would be where we are now. I just... I love you. I'm so undeniably in love with you. The way you smile. The way you dress. Your hair. Your laugh. Everything. I love everything about you Riley." I said as Riley started crying, I welled up a little. "You are my soulmate. Forever and always. And I know that, and you know that, well I'm pretty sure you know that by now. We will get through everything. Together." I said as I held her hands, her hands were cold, I warmed her hands up by interlocking my hands with hers. "And for us to know that, you need to wear this." I said as I pulled out the box from my pocket.

"What is-" Riley said but I cut her off.

"It's a promise ring." I said, I gave her the box and she opened it and gasped, before she could speak anymore, I continued. "It's a promise. For us to love each other. Never get into stupid arguments. If we have arguments, we sort them out as soon as possible, we don't leave them. We never leave them, Riley." I said as she nodded, looking at me in the eyes. "I get to kiss you anytime I want-"

"Farkle!" Riley said as I continued;

"And we get to cuddle, and do everything we used to do!" I said as Riley stopped crying. "Do you promise me Riley that we'll be together forever?"

"I promise." She whispered as I put the ring on her middle finger and I hugged her.

"I love you, Riley Matthews." I said as I start crying.

"And I love you, Farkle Minkus." She said as she kissed me. I pull away after 5 seconds and I stand up and hold out my hand.

"Would you like to dance my lady?" I said as I clicked my fingers, and then Lucas and Zay come in through the bay-window with a stereo and play some music, they wave at us and leave after. I organised this about five hours ago... Riley takes my hand and we dance to the song we danced to before; Whispers by Dave Baxter. *song above*

Me and her both dance to it, there isn't many words, but when there is words, we sing along and then we dance a bit. Riley should become a professional dancer! She's such good at dancing.

After the song finishes, Lucas comes back and takes the stereo and walks back to wherever he came from.

"Thank you Farkle." Riley said to me.

"You don't need to thank me, I should be thanking you." I said as Riley smiled widely. She kissed me, I kiss her back, I'm glad I love Riley Matthews. I'm glad I'm with her. This is where I'm supposed to be.

This is where I'm meant to be.

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