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Did I mention that school is kicking my ass? 😂. But, here's a new chapter anyway. Enjoy 😘

New Orleans, Louisiana
The next day...

Malia moved through the kitchen, packing Gatorade and snacks for Kamari's basketball team

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Malia moved through the kitchen, packing Gatorade and snacks for Kamari's basketball team. While in the process of doing that, she was listening to Iman, who was reciting his ABC's. She smiled at the fact that he'd made it to M, but figured that's where he'd get confused at. "N, O.." She finished for him. He didn't say anything back which meant that he was finished. She gave him a cookie for getting as far as he did and kissed him on the top of his head. "Muah, yayyyy good job!"

He clapped his little hands together and mimicked her. He bit into the soft cookie, waving his arms in satisfaction. Kamari stomped into the kitchen with a mean look on his face causing Malia to arch her eyebrow. He quickly fixed his face, but his body language still showed that he was mad.

"What's wrong, Kamari?" She asked as she finished packing the snacks.

"Daddy being mean to me." He mumbled.

"I'm sure daddy isn't just being mean to you just because. What happened?"

He sighed dramatically. "I didn't clean my room, bu—"

"Bingo." Malia interrupted. "What did we tell you? Before you go to bed every night, those toys need to be put up. If you know you're going to fall asleep then you don't need to take the toys out. Ok?"

He nodded his head. "Yes ma'am."

"Good." She walked over to him, bending down to his level and kissed him. "Now, shake off the attitude and get focused for your first game of the summer!" She said excitedly causing him to smile wide. She enjoyed that he loved basketball as much as Khari, however, she didn't want him to feel like he had to follow in his footsteps. Maybe Khari did, but she didn't. She just wanted him to do whatever he set his mind to.

She raised up, walking back over to the counter to zip up the bags. "Mommy did you pack red Gatorade?"

"Yes I did. I know that's your favorite." She replied.

"You're like the best mommy ever." He said as he played peek-a-boo with Iman.

"Aww thanks baby. I know." She said cockily.

He only giggled, and gave Iman his attention. Her phone vibrated making her glance at it. She received an email from one of her colleagues on the case she was working on. Last year, a black man was walking to a gas station because his truck had stopped on him. Someone reported a suspicious black man walking through their neighborhood and the police responded immediately. They questioned him on why he was there, and he simply said that his car stopped and his phone was dead. He needed to get to a gas station to call someone. They didn't believe him and used police force on him before ultimately killing him.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now