Twenty Three.

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A day later...

TW: Abuse

Khari sat on the balcony while eating his breakfast, and looking at the view before him. The team hotel sat right outside of the city, giving him full access. Coach gave them the morning off, and he decided to use it to reflect. The sun rose in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling light all over the land and the white clouds. He latched the contents onto his fork and stuck it into his mouth. Rubbing his shoulders, he chewed slowly.

His finger hovered on Malia's name in his phone for a good ten minutes. He wanted to call so bad so they could meet up and get everything off of his chest. The fear of the unknown made him hesitant. He placed the phone back on the table, huffed loudly and continued eating his breakfast. His phone pinged causing him to look at it seeing that it was from his agent. Furrowing his eyebrows, he opened the text and read diligently.

His agent was notifying him that NIKE was in talks of buying him out of his contract. His other major endorsement deals were in the process of doing the same. They all said that neither company wanted to deal with the negative publicity that Khari had been given lately. He groaned loudly, placing his forehead in his hands. Khari wanted to place the blame elsewhere, but he couldn't. He knew that it was all on him. He created this mess.

Resting his hand on his temple to support his head, he responded to his agent and asked if he could just meet with them to get an understanding. His agent responded that he would try to and let him know. Sticking his phone into his short's pockets, Khari finished his breakfast. Before he got up from the small table, his phone vibrated signaling that he had another text. Figuring that it was from his agent, he took it out and unlocked his phone. He saw that it was a message from Karmen instead of his agent, stating that they needed to talk.

Khari decided not to respond, and just left her on read. He shook his head at himself. He just couldn't understand how he had gotten himself in this predicament. He wanted all of it to go away and wanted his family back. However, that was just unrealistic.

There was a knock on the door causing him to get up. With his phone in hand, he walked back into the room, heading for the door and swung it open. Ty cheesed, like a fool excited to talk to his homie. "Wassup son?"

Ty walked in, slapping hands with Khari. Khari shook his head, closing the door. He walked past Ty to sit in the chair. "Nothin' just thinkin'. Wassup?"

"What you thinkin' about?" Ty asked, kicking off his slippers and laying out on the bed.

Khari leaned forward, and huffed. "You know what I'm thinkin' bout. Tryna get my family back. Plus, I may be losing my endorsements to this shit."

While he responded to Kaleigh's text, he shook his head. "I know losing your endorsements may seem bad now, but trust me they'll always be there. Once somebody else is in the tabloids and this shit die, they'll be callin' you back. Just ball out this season. As for the other stuff." He placed his phone on his chest once he hit the send button and looked over at Khari. "Seems like you need to get yourself in order first kid. You checked out yesterday. What was up with that?"

Khari shook his head, and ran his hands through his hair. "It's a lot man."

Ty sat up, patting Khari's leg. "You kno' I'm here if you need an ear or whatever.." Khari nodded. "Seriously, you don't need to be holdin' all that shit in. I kno' you. Talk to somebody. I don't care if ain't me. Danielle, Kaleigh, hell your wife would listen regardless."

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