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Manhattan, New York
The next morning...

A gentle, yet firm knocked sounded against the hotel door causing Malia's eyes to flutter open

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A gentle, yet firm knocked sounded against the hotel door causing Malia's eyes to flutter open. Looking at the clock on the stand beside her, her face contorted up into confusion. It was 6:00 a.m. and she knew that her sisters were not up this time of the morning. The knocks increased, and got louder. She threw back the covers, swinging her legs to get out of the bed. Putting on her robe, she secured it tightly around her waist and headed to the door. She attempted to look into the peep hole, but whoever it was, covered it.

"Who is it?" She asked, only to receive silence.

She cracked open the door, revealing an unexpected face. Her eyes widened as she opened the door wider. He was standing there with redness in his eyes, and it looked like he had not slept at all. In the midst of his off day, Malia thought he still looked amazingly handsome. From the messiness of his hair, to his all jean-fitted affair.

"Kha—" She started, but was immediately interrupted by the touch of his lips on hers. Instinctively, she groped the back the of his neck and kissed him back, passionately. Khari kicked the door closed, scooping Malia's frame into his arms. She cupped his face in her hands, and wrapped her legs around his back. As their lips continued to meet, she moaned softly, feeling alive again. She missed his touch, kisses, breath, him.

Khari quickly moved his lips from her mouth to her cheek to her neck. As he backed her against the wall, he snatched her robe off, exposing her naked body. He looked over her, hungrily. He had underestimated how much he missed her, which explained why he was here now. He didn't come over here to have sex, but couldn't resist the urge when she opened the door in her natural goddess like nature. He chastised himself for still loving a woman who did him wrong. Like many said, love make you do some crazy things.

She breathed heavily, tilting her head back against the wall. She was scared to say anything that would ruin the moment so she stayed quiet allowing herself to be seduce by the love of her life. When he touched her, it sent a shivering like reaction beneath her skin and throughout her entire body. He was the only person who could get this type of reaction out of her. She felt him, and she wanted to feel more of him. As he took off his blue jean jacket, she tugged at the bottom of his grey shirt. He groaned against her lips, and effortlessly carried her to the bed.

He allowed her to take off his shirt, as the morning sun peeked into the room shining directly on them. She drank the sight of him like it was her first time seeing him. Muscled, tattooed body, rock hard abdomen and V-shape pelvic area. He pushed her back, hovering over her and looking into her eyes. She looked back him, searching for anything to tell her what was going on in his head. All she could see was pain, lust, and love. She was extremely grateful for the latter.

While they stared into each other's eyes, she ran her hand down the front of his jeans. She unbuttoned the top of his jeans, dragging the zipper down. Caressing his abdomen, she pulled his jeans down just enough and nipped at the waistband of his boxers with her teeth, pulling them down as well.

Her tiny hands wrapped around his length, caressing him gently as he cursed under his breath. He smacked her hand, pushing her back in the middle of the bed again. With his hands resting on her knees, he slowly opened her legs. A twinkle appeared in his eyes seeing that she was very, very ready for him. Kissing her inner thighs, he teased and tortured her for a minute before diving in.

Malia gasped, gripping his hair and rolled her eyes as he devoured all of her. His tongue lapped in and out of her effortlessly, causing her to moan loudly. She allowed her fingernails to trace the back of his neck and onto his back as he continued. She bit her bottom lip while he tugged on her lips, sucking on them. She could hear him slurping which turned her own even more. He latched onto her clit, sucking hard making her squirm in the middle of the bed.

"Ahh." She cried out.

Unexpectedly, he stopped and hovered over her, crashing his lips onto hers. He wasn't here to do that. He was here to fuck her senselessly, making her remember who's wife she was. He wanted to fuck Duane out her head. He pushed into her, not allowing her to adjust to him and gave her no mercy with his strokes. Her moans became louder and louder as she wrapped her legs around him tighter.

"Mm.. Papi!" She exclaimed, moaning into his ear. He smirked against her skin, kissing her neck roughly and smacking her thigh, hard. Her eyes rolled again and his strokes became relentless.

"Fuck." He cursed.

She leaned her head back, biting her lip to take the pounding. Khari has always been gentle starting off, but he wasn't this time nor was he letting up. She exploded underneath him, crying out and moaning out curse words in many different languages.

He continued his deadly strokes, seemingly not stopping anytime soon. Malia's arms flailed back, she was powerless. "Kharrrriiiii!" She wasn't sure if she was pleading for him to continue or to stop. Malia gripped the sheets, hearing the mess he was making down there. She released again, this time, her orgasm snuck up on her. Khari stroked the life out of her as she came. She screamed, gripping his back and scratching it.

He growled lowly, pulling away a little to look at her. She looked back at him, seeing his anger. A tear escaped her eye as she touched the side of his face. "I'm so sorry baby.." She managed to say.

What he did next was very unexpected. He pulled out of her, and released on her stomach. Malia blinked, unsure if that had just happened. She looked down to see that, sure enough, he had ejaculated on her. She looked back up at him at his, now cold, eyes. They held no emotion like they did previously.

Before she could say anything, he got up and got dressed. She watched his movements, shocked to say the least. Here she was getting treated like a booty call by her own husband. She was mad, frustrated, and hurt at the same time. He never did that even when he took her virginity. Once his shoes was on, he headed towards the door. He looked at her over his shoulder briefly before walking out of the hotel.

Malia covered her face, and the tears fell as soon as the door closed.

Malia covered her face, and the tears fell as soon as the door closed

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