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I'm supposed to be studying, but that's cancelled. I wanted to update. Give me some feedback because I'm not sure if y'all are enjoying it or not. Thanks 💕 - Kourt

Ty, Duane, & Kaleigh, & Danielle in the mm.

New Orleans, Louisiana
Same day...

Rain had taken over the city for a few hours and Khari was out for a drive

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Rain had taken over the city for a few hours and Khari was out for a drive. Malia and the kids had taken a nap, however, he couldn't find sleep. His mind was on Malia and what she could possibly be hiding from him. He'd been observing for quite some time now and it was more evident today when he startled her as she read a text message. He played it off, though. Khari didn't want to assume the worst, but here he was assuming the worst.

Glancing out of the window at his surroundings, Khari attempted to put that to the back of his mind. For now. If it was something she needed to tell him, that day would come. He just hope that it was soon because it was eating away at him. He loved Malia more than he loved himself. Their marriage hasn't always been perfect, but it was perfect for them. At least he hoped.

He turned the car into the direction of the park where he grew up playing ball at. As he passed by, he noticed a few guys playing while others watched. It wasn't the same environment like it was when he was here. He'd been the most highly sought after basketball prospect in years and the parks used to be crowded because everybody wanted to watch him. Khari never got into the hype, though. He truly loved the game and wanted to stay grounded. He had balanced the art of cockiness and humility since he was the NBA.

You couldn't be too humble in the mix of legends because you'd never get where you're trying to go. In his eyes, he was the best basketball player in the world. Many people had already placed him in the top 10 all time and he was just twenty four years old. Khari had accomplished so much in his young career. He believed that he was only getting started. When it was all said and done, he wanted to be the best player to touch a basketball. 

Coming to a stop, he killed the engine and looked around. The park was on the decline bad. It needed new makeover, badly. He sent a text to the director over his charity foundation to get the info on the park so they could begin the process. Taking one last look of where it all began, he cranked the engine and pulled off.

He continued to his old neighborhood, stopping in front of his abuela's house. She was on the decline and he made it his business to see her every chance he got. As he approached the door, he noticed how quiet it was and silently thanked God that his little cousins weren't there. Using his key, he turned the lock and walked in. He could hear the television going on in the back so he made his way down the hall.

He peeped into his abuela's room seeing that she had her eyes closed. He couldn't help, but sigh when he seen how small she was. Sooner or later, he'd have to prepare himself for the inevitable. He quietly walked in, and sat in the chair next to her side of the bed. Laying his head beside her, he sighed again before looking at the television. He said a quick prayer and a few seconds later, he could feel his eyes forcing themselves closed and drifted off to sleep.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now