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The next morning..

The alarm clock sounded off causing Malia's eyes to immediately fly open

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The alarm clock sounded off causing Malia's eyes to immediately fly open. She looked at the clock, sighing as she hit the snooze button. Turning over, she noticed Khari was still sound asleep. She grinned reminiscing of the events that took place last night. She never believed that making love with him would get better every time. Removing the sheets off of her nude body, she got up to start her day.

She walked into their spacious master bathroom, turning on the shower. As she passed by the mirror, she rolled her eyes at the love marks Khari placed on her. "Thanks a lot." She mumbled to herself. She brushed teeth and washed her face before getting into the shower. As she stood under the steaming hot water, she sighed contently. Khari had received her of her stress that she was going to put back on her body today.

After about twenty minutes, she turned off the water and stepped out. Placing a towel around herself, she moved into her walk in closet. She maneuvered through her clothes trying to decide what she wanted to wear. Since she was just going to be in the office today, she decided on a purple Gold Trim Jumpsuit. To match, she took out a pair of gold caged pumps. She dried herself off, and lathered herself in body lotion.

She slipped on a black bra and panty set before putting on the jumpsuit. Putting her feet into the pumps, she walked over to the mirror. She liked what she saw and headed to where her accessories were. Malia placed a gold Chanel watch around her wrist and a gold customized necklace that Khari bought her for their anniversary. She exchanged her diamond wedding ring for her chocolate diamond wedding ring.

Malia walked out of the closet to go do her hair and makeup. She decided to keep it simple and straighten her hair. She went for the more natural look with her makeup. Once she was done, she appeared back in the bedroom to see Khari still asleep. She chuckled lowly and headed downstairs to make breakfast her babies. As she trotted down the marble stairs, she immediately heard the tv knowing Iman was up.

He was up every morning around this time watching Nickelodeon. As she stepped into the living room, her theory proved to be true. He was in the middle of the floor with his thumb in his mouth watching Ninja Turtles. "Good morning my baby." She said as she bent down to place a kiss on his head.

He looked up and removed his finger out of his mouth. "Mama." He held his arms out for her to pick him up. She picked him up and headed down the hall to Kamari's room. She peeped in to see that he was ok and closed the door.

Looking back at Iman, she headed back towards the kitchen. "Want pancakes for breakfast?" She asked.

Iman nodded his head eagerly. "Pancakes!" He yelled.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now