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Two weeks later
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Pulling up to the Randy's parents house, Khari sighed heavily as he looked at the house

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Pulling up to the Randy's parents house, Khari sighed heavily as he looked at the house. It was always tough to come back to where he grew up and where he ultimately took his last breath. He got out of his Wrangler, and closed the door. He took a look around before going up the driveway. As he approached the door, he sighed again before knocking. He waited a few minutes then he heard movement so he stepped back a little. Someone fiddled with the locks and the door swung open reveling Randy's mother, Rhonda.

Her eyes grew wide once she noticed Khari. "Khari!" She greeted excitedly, pulling him in. "Sweetheart! Khari is here." She closed the door, allowing Khari to look around. They had changed things since he had been here, but Randy's presence wasn't absent. He immediately spotted a picture of him and Randy when they were on the youth baseball team. He chuckled lightly remembering the memories. He missed his best friend wholeheartedly.

Randy's father, Billy, walked in with a smile on his face. He wasn't the biggest guy, Khari had a few inches on him. However, Billy made up for his height. He wasn't the guy to mess with. "Hey son. Long time no see." He said, taking Khari's hand and shaking it firmly. Khari returned the gesture.

"Yeah, I'a be around more often since I'm home." Khari responded.

The three of them took a seat in the living room. Billy looked at Khari like a proud father. "I think what you did was great. For the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana. You took a pay cut to come home and bring your city a championship. Who would've thought?"

Khari stretched out his legs. "I know I didn't see it coming myself."

"I did. I knew when you met with the team that it was a big possibility." Rhonda added. "I'm so proud of you. I've literally watched you grow up."

Khari shook his head a little, sighing. "I don't know." He started. "I feel like I've neglected y'all."

"No, no." Billy shook his head. "You're a man with your own family now. We understand." He said, patting Khari's back. "I'll take tickets to your first game if you feeling really bad about it."

They all shared a laugh. "I got you Bill."

"Where is Malia?" Rhonda asked.

"She's with Danielle, helping her set everything up." Danielle was hosting her second annual Stop the Violence campaign. Khari was her spokesperson and Eric, Randy's little brother, would be her guest speaker. Since Randy's death, Eric had changed his life around. Although he still carried the guilt on his chest, he turned something positive out of the situation. He created the Randy foundation that focused on finding a cure for epilepsy.

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