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New Orleans, Louisiana
The next morning...

Malia held her phone to her ear, trying to reach Khari to no avail. She had been trying to call him ever since last night. She huffed, removing the phone from her ear and dropping it into her purse. His phone was going straight to voicemail. "He is not answering." She looked at Brianna, who had placed her head in her hands. Her brother wrapped his arm around her to console her. Khari's abuela had went into cardiac arrest and was rushed to the hospital. They didn't expect her to make it.

Sighing, Malia grabbed her phone to try it again. Once she pressed his name and placed the phone to her ear, his phone began to ring this time. Malia tapped her foot on the floor, not really wanting to have this conversation with him. After the third ring, he answered. "Malia?" He answered groggily, signaling that he was sleeping. Malia couldn't help, but to roll her eyes like he didn't know who this was.

"I've been trying to call you since last night!" She basically yelled, getting everyone's attention. She sighed again, attempting to calm down. "You need to get to the hospital. Your grandmother went into cardiac arrest."

"What?!" He yelled, and she could hear him fumbling around. "I'm on my way." He hung up before she could get a word out. She looked at the screen before dropping the phone back into the bag. She looked at Brianna, and smiled lightly. Malia leaned her head back on the wall, exhausted from the news. She hadn't even made it out the door to go to work good before she got the news from Brianna. Khari's grandmother had a special place in her heart ever since she had met her. She was a sweet lady who loved everyone like they were own children.

It was now that she regretted not going to see her any since they had moved down here. She also understood how important she had become in Khari's life. She was the only grandparent he knew, and Malia wasn't sure how he would react. He rarely talked about these things to her. Obviously, he could keep a lot of things to himself. Malia shook her head, trying to rid of their situation right now at this moment. Her duty, as a wife, was to be by his side. It was all she was here to do.

Now, she also didn't know if it would be a good time to tell him that she was pregnant. She had took five pregnancy tests and all of them had said the same thing. Giving this baby up wasn't an option, by any means. He had to get his act together. She was willing to work it out if he was. She just wasn't sure if she could trust him. Bringing a baby into situation was not ideal. She instinctively touched her abdomen, rubbing it gently.

Looking over at Brianna, she saw that she was now sleep and Malia decided to follow suit. After about a ten minute nap, Malia was awakened by voices. She opened her eyes to see Brianna talking to Khari, who looked a mess. Malia could smell the liquor from where she was sitting, and she scrunched her nose up. Khari didn't drink, and if he did, it was small portions.

"It's just a waiting game right now." Brianna explained as Khari nodded his head. He looked at Malia, but quickly looked away. The guilt was eating away at him, and he felt like he would give everything away if he looked at her too long. He could feel her eyes piercing a hole through him. He just took a seat in a chair, off to himself and rubbed his head. Brianna watched the two with skepticism, but decided not to ask any questions. It wasn't her business.

The lobby was empty except for them. It was so quiet that you could hear a pen drop. The sliding doors opened revealing Danielle. They looked around seeing the four of them sitting down. They both walked towards their direction and Brianna looked up. She gave a half-hearted smile, and got up to give them her a hug. "Thanks for being here."

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now