Twenty Four.

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Same day...

Malia quietly got Iman dressed while he played with the toys that she brought for him on the trip. Her mind kept racing back to the conversation she had with Khari that morning. That wasn't exactly what she was expecting him to tell her, but needless to say, she needed to know. It didn't justify any of his actions, but it made her understand him better. While they spent time apart, she wondered what could have been the issue. All this time she thought it was her. Now, she knew.

When she had gotten off the phone with him, she immediately contacted her secretary to find any good therapists in the area since she was unfamiliar. There were three people that he could choose from, and she figured that he would go with the woman since the other two were male. She had sent the list to him, but he had yet to reply. Once she placed Iman's shoes on his feet, he was free and he went to grab his sippy cup. "Juice!" He yelled, looking up at Malia.

"Can you wait until we eat lunch baby?" She asked.

He just looked at her with his cup still in hand. The two had a stare-off, and Malia ended up caving. She refilled his cup with juice then handed it to him. "Tank you." He cheesed before sipping on the juice.

"You're welcome, baby." She chuckled, and went to check on Kamari in the bathroom. She knocked on the door, placing her ear to it. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah!" He yelled back, followed by groaning. The restaurant that she and Khari had taken him to had messed up his stomach. Ever since they got back last night, he lived on the toilet. They were flying back home today, and she was unsure if they should since he wasn't feeling well. The flight wouldn't be good for his stomach. She moved back into the small living area, and saw Iman sitting down watching tv. She knew he didn't understand what was being said because they spoke in German.

She heard her phone ping signaling that she had a text. Walking over to the bed, she picked up the device seeing that Khari had replied back.

Can they travel?

She immediately replied saying that any one of those three were willing to travel as long as it was paid for. Minutes later, he replied back saying okay and choosing which one he wanted. As she expected, he went with the woman. Giving that he had all of the information, she expected him to call her to tell her that she had gotten the job. She had did what she said she was going to do. Before she placed her phone back on the bed, her phone pinged again.

Y'all on the way to the airport?

She replied with a no and sat her phone back down before he answered back. Just then, she heard the toilet flushing and Kamari came out of the bathroom sighing in relief. Malia chuckled lowly at him. "Did you wash your hands?"

He held up the paper towel he was using before returning to dry his hands. "Was daddy here?"

Malia shook her head. "No baby."

"Is he coming?" He asked, hopeful.

"Umm." Malia pondered. "You can ask, but I'm sure he's at practice. You know it's camp season so he's going to be pretty busy, Kamari. Plus, we have to fly back to New Orleans. You have practice yourself." Kamari groaned, and folded his arms with a pout on his face. Malia rose her eyebrows, daring him to test her.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now