Twenty One.

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New Orleans, Louisiana

Moving throughout the kitchen, Karmen cleaned the rest of the plates that were left over from this morning

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Moving throughout the kitchen, Karmen cleaned the rest of the plates that were left over from this morning. Khari had cooked her breakfast this morning to make her feel better about today. It had been five years since her abortion, and it seemed to get easier with time. She frowned thinking about how distraught he had looked when he had received a call. She made a note to text him to see how he was doing.

She moved into her bedroom to get dressed. She had a meeting with a few business partners that wanted to sell her products. She just hoped that everything went her way. After getting dressed, she curled her hair and put on makeup. While she was doing that, she sent a quick text to Khari to check on him. He didn't text back right away so she figured that he was busy. It took her about twenty minutes to apply her makeup before she got up to go back into the living space. Her phone rung in her hand, and she saw that it was her father calling. She quickly answered, and placed it on speaker.

"Hey daddy." She greeted, putting on her heels.

"Hey princess. How is New Orleans?" He responded with his deep German accent.

"It's going well. I'm actually heading to a business meeting now, well it doesn't start for another hour but yeah that's where I'm heading." She ran back into her room, forgetting the necklace that Khari had given her on her birthday. She grabbed it out of her jewelry box, and placed it around her neck. She walked back into the living room hearing her father babbled on about that boxing gym of his.

"I miss you princess."

Her face formed a smile. "I miss you too daddy. I'll be back tomorrow or the day after." She placed everything she needed in her oversized tote bag, and pondered on if she was forgetting anything else.

"I hope you're not getting into any trouble." He said in a tone. Karmen rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what he was flaking about. Christoph knew about his daughter sleeping around with Khari, who had grown fond of. However, their relationship went south when he found out that Khari wasn't who he thought he was. He thought that Khari genuinely loved his daughter, but found out that it wasn't true. He was also upset with Karmen because he was married. He thought he had raised her better than that. She deserved better for herself.

"I'm behaving."

"Mhmm." He hummed. "Stay away from that boy."

"I am daddy. Now, I have to go so I'll call you back later?" She said attempting to get him off of the phone.

"Ah, rushing the old man off the phone huh? But ok princess. I love you."

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