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New Orleans, Louisiana

Malia swallowed hard, moving her hands up and down on her arms

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Malia swallowed hard, moving her hands up and down on her arms. Unable to look Khari directly in the eyes, she looked behind him at their friends, who had confusion written all over their faces. Sensing that this was a private matter, Kaleigh spoke up. "We're going to leave. This is between you guys. Come on Ty." She said, getting up from the table.

Ty got up, and Danielle did the same, hesitantly. "Call me if you need to talk, Lia." She said. Malia lightly nodded as Danielle followed Kaleigh and Ty out. Khari glanced behind to see them leave before looking back at Malia. Once the door was closed, he lifted his eyebrow motioning for her to speak. Before she could get a word out, her phone rung again. When he noticed that she wasn't going to answer it, he took it out of her hands.

"Khari.." She reached for the phone as he looked at the caller ID. It was a New York number which had his mind racing to think who it could be.

"Oh, so now you can talk?" He asked sarcastically.

"Just let me tell you before you answer it.." She practically begged him.

Looking at her then back at the phone, he put it into his pockets. "Ok, talk." He was fuming inside because this wasn't looking good, but he remained calm. He decided that he'll allow her to explain and talk like Brianna said. But, he couldn't make any promises if it was something he didn't want to hear.

Malia ran her hands through her hair, sighing. She looked up at him with tears forming in her eyes. She knew it wouldn't be the same after this. "It's Duane." She spoke quietly.

Khari instinctively licked his lips, unsure if he had heard her correctly. "Say what?" When she didn't respond, she had confirmed it. He bit down on teeth hard, clenching his jaw muscles. He couldn't believe it. "You fucking him?" He asked lowly, disgusted.

She immediately shook her head no as tears ran down her face. "I swear we never had sex, Khari." She looked up at him at his now cold eyes. She knew he didn't believe her. She reached out to grab his arm, but he moved back. "I'm so sorry. I am."

He looked away, attempting to gather his emotions. He swallowed before speaking again. "How long?"


"I said how long?!" He yelled causing her to jump. "How long you been fuckin' him, Lia?!" He started to move towards her, causing her to track backwards. "Answer me!"

"I haven't slept with him!" She yelled back. "I.." She started. "It started two years ago.." Khari smacked his lips, but she continued. "When me and you were going through our rough patch, we reconnected. But, I swear I never slept with him."

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now