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New Orleans, Louisiana
Same day...

Brianna and Danielle watched Khari while he stared at the wall

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Brianna and Danielle watched Khari while he stared at the wall. He had been silent since they had come from the hospital, and he didn't say a word after his hour long shower. Although, one event that took place was solely his fault, they were still concerned. Khari could check out mentally at any minute, and although it hasn't happened in years, they were still frightened. Danielle had attempted to call Malia, but to no avail. She hated seeing her best friend in that state. To know that Khari was the cause of her pain made it worse. Things weren't supposed to be like this, especially for them.

The weather outside had turned gloomy with the dark, grey clouds moving in. The sun was masked and soon the streets would be flooded in rain. It was a perfect description of how Khari felt at that moment. He kind of wanted to drown. Thinking about his kids, he was sure Kamari would hate him. He broke his promise.

Khari's phone rung, but he didn't move. He knew it wasn't Malia, so he didn't even bother. For the first time in ever, he didn't want to see nor talk to Karmen. He took full responsibility for everything he has done so far, but he wouldn't be sad if he didn't blame her as well. He wasn't sure how he could even think that he did have feelings for her. It was all lust. He allowed lust to ruin his marriage with the love of his life. He was weak.

Hearing those words I'm done from Malia made him feel like she was feeling. "Khari." Danielle called out. He tore his eyes away from the wall to look up at her. He didn't want to hear a sermon which he was sure he'd get from her. He knew he fucked up. She looked back at him, reading his mind. He didn't need a sermon right now. Before she could say anything, someone knocked on the door repeatedly.

Danielle looked at Brianna, who was just as confused. She went to the door, and opened it revealing Ty who seemed to be pretty upset. His head jerked up. "Khari here?"

She nodded, and before she move out of the way, he slipped right past her. Ty searched every room until he spotted Khari in the living room with Danielle. He charged towards him, and swung landing his fist on the side of his eye. "Ty, what the hell?!" Danielle screamed.

Khari fell on the floor, holding his eye trying to understand what the fuck was going on. Once he saw Ty, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What the fuck bro?!"

"Malia calling Kaleigh cryin' & shit ova yo dumbass!" Ty looked at him.

Khari sighed, attempting to get up. "It ain't what it seem man.."

Ty picked him up by his shirt, sending blows to Khari's stomach. Behind him, he could hear Danielle and Brianna screaming for him to stop. But, he couldn't. He pushed Khari to the wall, who doubled over in pain. "I can't believe you bro! How dumb can you be fuckin' with that broad and hurtin' Malia like that?!" Khari tried to keep his breathing in order. He held his abdomen with his head leaning against the wall. "You kno' better. I looked up to you man."

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now