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New Orleans, Louisiana
Two days later...

Khari held Iman in his arms while he had one hand on Kamari's shoulder

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Khari held Iman in his arms while he had one hand on Kamari's shoulder. His bodyguards held off the fans as they walked through the zoo. To get his mind off of things, he wanted to spend the day with his kids. He felt like he had been lacking in that department and he was grateful that Malia didn't keep him away from them. Not like he expected her to anyway.

"They got giraffes dad?" Kamari looked up at him expectantly.

"Yeah, I think so."

While he looked on the map to find the giraffes, Iman pointed towards something. "Tiger!" He yelled excitedly. Khari looked up to see them passing by the white tiger. They stopped, and headed in that direction.

"Wow, why he white?" Kamari asked in confusion.

"I don't know. It's rare though." Khari answered.

"What rare means?"

Khari chuckled. "It means that it don't happen often. You seein' somethin' that's not common. Take a pic." He handed Kamari his phone, and waited until he finished taking the picture. Khari looked at Iman who was looking everywhere except what they were looking at it. "You nosey son."

"Done." Kamari said.

"Keep it." Khari said as Kamari attempted to hand him back his phone. "Got mo pics to take.. This zoo gotta a lot of animals."

They began walking again, and Khari waved here and there to the fans. He wouldn't stop to take pictures because he was with his kids. They would just have to understand that it was family time. "Mommy's callin."

"Answer it."

Kamari did just that and swiped the answer bar across the screen. "Hey mommy!" He answered excitedly as he placed the device up to his ear. "Yeah! We saw a white tiger. Daddy said it was rare.." Kamari eyes widened when he heard the dolphins. He quickly turned around to meet Khari's eyes. "Can we go to the dolphin show?!"

"Yea. I was lookin' for that anyway." Kamari took off with Neil right on his tail. "Thank God for bodyguards." He mumbled to himself. He allowed Neil to escort him there while he got Kamari ice cream and gummy worms for Iman.

"Khari Valentine!" A group of older kids yelled while he was paying for the sweets. He looked over and recognized one of the kids who had attended his summer camp last year. They ran over to where he was before getting stopped by his security. He poured Iman's gummy worms into an empty cup and handed it to him. Picking him back up, he turned to the group of kids behind him.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now