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New Orleans, Louisiana
Next day...

Ashlyn Morrow watched Malia as she took a last look at his paperwork before she looked up at him

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Ashlyn Morrow watched Malia as she took a last look at his paperwork before she looked up at him. She smiled, and stood up. "Well, I think I've heard and seen just about enough Mr. Morrow. I'll be taking on your case." Malia said, extending her hand out to him. He smiled, and placed his hands into hers. They shook hands briefly, then he stood up.

"Thank you so much. I'm even more confident now because I have the most fabulous lawyer in the country on my side." He complimented causing her to blush.

"Aww, well thank you." She walked over to her desk, pulling out a folder and handing it to him. "Everything you need to know is in here. Read it throughly, please." He nodded, and skimmed through the paperwork. "I hope the rates aren't too high. A fabulous lawyer has bills to pay." She said, batting her eyelashes.

He laughed at her silliness, and waved her off. "No, you're fine Mrs. Valentine. I'll pay whatever to have you on my team."

She nodded her hand, clasping her hands together. "Good. Well, I'll meet with you tomorrow to discuss the case and what the company is protesting. I'm sure their lawyer will begin contacting me soon about you throwing out the case. Of course we're not going to do that. I will keep you updated, always."

He smiled again. "Thank you. And from on, please call me Ashlyn girl."

"Ok, Ashlyn. See you tomorrow, 10:30 a.m?"

"That's perfect." He said, buttoning up his suit coat. "Thanks again." This time, he pulled her in before a brief hug and dismissed himself.

Malia sighed a little, and took a seat in her chair behind her desk. Swinging around, she took in the view before her. Her mind couldn't escape the troubles of her marriage, and it was beginning to take a toll on her. She barely slept these days. She wanted to just break down and cry, but the tears wouldn't fall.

A gentle knock sounded on her office door causing her turn her chair back around. Noticing her assistant at the door with a set of folders in her hand, she gave her a fake smile and motioned for her to come in.

"Is everything okay, Mrs. Valentine?" She asked with concern in her voice. Not really wanting to talk about it, Malia just nodded and motioned for her to sit down. Shelby took a seat in the chair in front of her desk, and sat the folders down. "These are the reports for this month. The firm in New York is going well, but we have a slight problem with one of your colleagues."

Malia lifted her brow as she slid the paperwork to herself. "Who and what is it?"

"It's Michael, the guy you just hired. He's constantly flirting with the women at the firm and they've constantly complained that they don't feel comfortable around him." Malia frowned a little because Michael was very excellent at his job. However, safety was also important. She'd have to fly to New York to check things out.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now