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Manhattan, New York

Khari gripped the steering wheel ferociously, biting down on his teeth

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Khari gripped the steering wheel ferociously, biting down on his teeth. He hadn't planned on having sex with Malia when he showed up at her hotel room. He simply wanted to talk because he was tired of being upset. Yet, something came over him and when he saw her, he couldn't resist. He had missed her in every facet, despite what she had done to him. Everything was okay until she apologized. He wanted her to feel like he had felt: destroyed.

  After leaving the hotel, he hopped into his vehicle which lead him to Duane's neighborhood. Since he was in New York, Khari decided to talk. He was currently sitting in front of Duane's estate in the gated community.

Since him and Duane were teammates at one point, the security knew him and allowed him in

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Since him and Duane were teammates at one point, the security knew him and allowed him in. Khari breathing became rapid, and he was fuming. He got out of the car, and basically ran to the door. He pounded on the door, and began pacing as he impatiently waited on an answer.

After a while, the locks turned and the door swung open revealing Duane. His eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly regained his composure. "Wassup man? Wasn't expecting you." He held out his hand, expecting a handshake.

Khari looked at Duane's hand then back up at him. Before Duane could see it coming, Khari swung and his punch landed directly on Duane's eye causing him to stumble back. Khari stepped into the house, sending another blow to his nose instantly hearing it crack.

"Ah, shit!" Duane cried out as he hit the floor.

Khari hovered over him, sending blow after blow. Duane tried his best to block some of them, but Khari was too quick. Duane managed to get his hands around Khari's neck, but that didn't stop Khari from punching him. Mustering up enough strength, Duane pushed Khari off of him and the two began tussling on the marble floors, stained with Duane's blood.

"Du— Omg! What's going on?!" An older woman's voice stated.

Duane landed a blow to Khari's face causing him to stumble back. Lunging forward, Khari immediately came back with one of his own. After a few more minutes of fighting, Khari felt himself being pulled off of Duane and he fought hard to get away. "Fuck you!" He spat, spitting blood from his mouth. "Stay the fuck away from my wife!"

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now