Thirty One.

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Washington, D.C.
A week later...

Malia knocked on her mother's door gently. She missed being home, more than she imagined. She looked back at Khari, who was holding Iman. He seemed nervous which was odd for him. He had never been nervous coming around her family. They all had reassured her that they wasn't going to make it hard on him. Granted, they weren't his biggest fans. But, they both understood that it was between him and her. The door swung open, revealing Hunter to Malia's surprise. "Hey Hunter!" She greeted.

"Hello Malia." He greeted back with his deep, husky voice. His eyes turned to Khari, and he extended his hand. "Hey Khari, how's things going?"

Khari shifted Iman to his other arm, and shook Hunter's hand. "Better." He said simply, making Hunter nod his head. He closed the door behind them, motioning for them to follow him to where the rest of the family was. Kamari jumped on his back, placing his cold hands on Hunter's neck much to his own amusement.

Khari followed closely behind, looking down at Iman who was stirring in his sleep. The growing noise started to wake him up, and he wasn't going for it. He clutched onto Khari tighter, snuggling his face in Khari's neck to muffle any noise. In less than a second, he was back asleep. Once Khari and Malia made it into the living room, it slowly got quiet. The attention quickly turned to them, and Khari could feel most of their eyes on him.

It was his birthday, and he really didn't want to feel like a target right now. Malia had to convince him to come anyways. "Why is he here?" Makayla spoke up. As Malia was removing Kamari's coat, she looked up at Malia signaling for her to knock it off. "What? Y'all back together or something?"

"Sweetie, mind your business." Hunter warned as he retook his seat beside her. She rolled her eyes, downing the rest of her hot chocolate.

"I'm going to go lie him down." Khari mumbled. He heard Makayla scoff as he walked past her to the back. He shook his head as he heard her attempt to check Malia. Deciding to ignore it, he walked in Malia's old bedroom and laid Iman down. He stripped him out of his coat, and tucked him under the covers. He wondered how he would manage being here for three days. Thanksgiving couldn't come fast enough.

He took off his charcoal gray wool coat, and fixed the cuffs on his burgundy button down shirt. Walking out of the room, he could still hear Malia and Makayla going at it. Once he made it back in, the doorbell rung much to Khari's relief. He sat on the other couch while Makayla went to open the door. Malia looked at him to get a read on him, but was unsuccessful. Soon, Maya's voice sounded causing her to perk up.

She immediately went into their direction, seeing Brian carrying two baby carriers. "Maliaaaa!" Maya sung, detaching from Makayla and went to hug her. They embraced one another, then pulled away slightly. "That pregnancy glow is real." She joked.

"Yea, yea. Where are my nieces?" She looked around.

"Well, hello to you to." Brian said sarcastically.

"Hey bro!" She pulled him in for a hug as well then quickly pushed him away. She bent down to look at her nieces and smiled at them. "What's their names again? Sorry, I'm a bad aunt."

"Ma'Ryan and Ma'Rya." Maya said.

"Awwww." Malia cooed as she pinched their chubby cheeks. They were both sleeping with no intentions of getting up. Footsteps sounded as Malia looked up to see Khari, Hunter, and her mother walking towards the door. "Babe, look. Meet Ma'Ryan and Ma'Rya." She said bubbly.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now