Twenty Six.

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New Orleans, Louisiana
The next morning...

Khari watched Kamari as he ate a cinnamon roll for breakfast. Iman was still sleep, and Kamari just wanted to spend time with his dad. Khari ended up falling asleep on the couch with them losing track of time last night. He took a sip of his lemon water, and sat the cup back on the table. "Is it good?" He asked, chuckling at how Kamari was eating it. Kamari nodded his head excitedly. "You know I can cook too, right?"

Kamari made a face and shook his head. "No you can't."

"Mhmm. I used to cook for ya moms a lot when we was in school."

Kamari wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and looked at Khari. "Why you stop?"

Khari shrugged his shoulders lightly and stared ahead. "I guess I got comfortable." He began to shake his head at the realization. "Yea, I got complacent.. I took ya moms for granted and I regret it." He explained, returning his eyes back to Kamari. "When you find the one, always remember to work to keep her. You can lose her, don't think you can't. Someone always waitin' to take ya place."

"Ok papa."

With that, Malia appeared in the kitchen with lounging wear. Khari looked at her seeing that she was beginning to show now and it made him smile. However, Karmen's pregnancy invaded his mind and his smile immediately vanished. Malia caught him looking at her, and lifted her brow. "You still here?" She asked, opening the frig to take out a fruit salad.

"Yea, umm I would've left last night bu—"

Malia shook her head, taking a bite of her strawberry. "It's fine, Khari. I know Kamari wanted to spend time with you, I don't mind. I just thought that you would've gone to your session by now."

"Oh, yeah it's in another hour so I probably need to head to my condo so I could shower and change."

Malia nodded her head, and took a seat beside Kamari. "Where's Iman? Still sleep?"

Khari nodded his head. "Yea, we stayed up pretty late last night."

Chewing, Malia glared at him. "Did you sleep on my couch?"

Khari chuckled, and shook his head no. "Nah, I know better. We slept on the floor." He pointed causing Malia to turn her head and see the cover that was on the floor.

"We played basketball, football, and soccer, mommy. Daddy cheated though. He didn't let me win." Malia looked at Khari who only shrugged.

"You're going to beat him one day, sweetie." Malia laughed a little.

Khari got up, and walked into the living room. Malia got up to place her bowl in the sink. As she began to walk away, Khari's phone lit up and she didn't miss Karmen's name pop up. Her suspicion got the best of her, and she picked up the device. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the message preview. It was a picture of a sonogram, and Malia's heart stopped.

Khari walked back into the living room with his bag on his back, and kissed Kamari's head. "I gotta go. I'll be back to pick you up, ok?" Kamari nodded his head and Khari looked up to see Malia holding his phone. He swallowed hard, looking from the phone then to her. The look in her eye was something he wasn't familiar with. This look of pain was different from the other looks.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now