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Malia and Khari are getting so much love from so many people. I'm so grateful for the support, truly. I honestly was never going to write the second book because I didn't have to motivation to do so. I honestly didn't want to complete the first book, but I'm glad I did. Again, I thank you! I hope you enjoy the update 😏✨ — Kourt💕

New Orleans, Louisiana

Malia watched Kamari picked at his food on his plate with a frown on his face

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Malia watched Kamari picked at his food on his plate with a frown on his face. He'd been like this since she got back from New York last night, and Kaleigh said he hadn't talked much. Today, she figured that she would take him and Iman to their favorite place for lunch: Hard Rock Cafe.

Iman seemed to be fine, mainly because he was still young. Malia knew Kamari was aware of Khari's absence. "Kamari." She called.

Reluctantly, he looked up. "What's wrong?" She asked. He shook his head, placing his head back down and continued to pick at his food. He picked up one of his slices of pizza, biting into it and chewed slowly. Malia sighed, glancing over at Iman, who was dancing in his high chair as he ate his fresh fruit. She looked back at Kamari, who had mustered enough strength to finish his food. "You know you can talk me, right?"

He nodded his head almost immediately. "Yes ma'am."

"Ok. Tell me what's wrong."

His eyes landed on hers, and he sighed a little. "Daddy didn't keep his promise." He mumbled, and nibbled on the rest of his pizza. Malia looked to be confused.


Kamari nodded again. "He said you and him will never break up."

"Oh baby." She said, pulling him into her lap. "Your dad and I haven't broken up, and we won't. We're just having problems just like everyone in marriages do, ok?"

"Well why he's not at home?" He mumbled, playing with his hand.

Malia looked around for a minute, trying to find the right words. She sighed, deciding to be honest with him. "Sometimes a couple needs a little space from each other before they can really get things together. He is coming back. I don't want you to be upset with him, ok?" Kamari nodded his head, feeling a tad bit better. "Just know that we both love you and Iman very much."

He turned around to look at her, with a small grin on his face. "I know mommy. We love you too." He said as he wrapped his arms around her neck, giving her a hug. She returned the gesture, kissing him on the top of his head. She silently prayed that everything would be ok like she hoped, for her children's sake.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now