Twenty Nine.

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New Orleans, Louisiana
The next morning...

Gregory in the mm

"Malia." Khari whispered as he hovered over her. She didn't move causing him to shake his head. He tapped her shoulder lightly which made her stir in her sleep. "Malia." He said with more force this time. She tried to push him away which caused him to laugh. "Get uuuppp." He begged.

"Khari, what the hell? Why?" She mumbled.

"It's yoga day and I want you to go with me." He said. She attempted to pull the cover over her head, but he caught it. "Come on, it's good for you and the baby."

"Go awaaayyy." She whined, pulling the cover over her head.

He let out a breath, and stood up entirely. An idea popped up in his head. "I'll make you your favorite dinner tonight. Straight from the islands. You know I got better." He folded his arms with a smirk on his face.

Malia removed the covers from off her head, looking at him. She turned to look at the clock seeing that it was 6:30 in the morning and scoffed. "Khari, I should kick your ass for waking me up this early." She ranted as she got out of the bed.

"Yea, yea. Be ready in fifteen." He waved her off, and left out of the bedroom. He heard her smack his lips causing him to snort. He limped down the steps, wincing in pain. He definitely stayed on it way too long. Deciding to sit down until Malia was ready, he turned on the tv. He contemplated if he wanted to turn to ESPN or not, but did anyway. When he made it to the channel, highlights of the Knicks were being shown and it made Khari feel some type of way.

Duane was getting a lot of love in the media lately for his play and it put a dent in Khari's mood. Duane was potentially the mastermind, although he wasn't sure 100%, behind his ambush. However, Elgin wasn't talking to the cops so it was like he was basically taking the fall for everybody. The analysts were already making claims that he was going to lead the Knicks to another championship and win MVP. It just wasn't fair.

Rolling his eyes, he turned off the tv. He started to think that maybe he wasn't going to ever play again. What if rehab didn't go as he plan it to go? What if he re-injure his knee or his back or something? The doubt was starting to creep into his mind, and now he wasn't so sure as he was before. Neil walked past the couch and was about to enter the kitchen when he seen Khari sitting down.

"Good morning Mr. Valentine." He greeted, but didn't get a response. He furrowed his eyebrows, stuck his hands in his pockets and walked into the living room. "Mr. Valentine?" He called out again.

Khari shook out of his trance and looked up at Neil. "Oh, my bad Neil. What'd you say?"

Neil waved him off. "Just goodmorning. Is everything ok?"

"Yea, yea.." Khari responded unconvincingly.

"Are you sure?" Khari nodded his head. Neil didn't seem convinced, but decided not to say anything. "Ok, well, I'm here if you need anyone to talk to. I know I'm just your bodyguard, but I'm here if you need a friend." Khari nodded again and Neil turned on his heels to proceed into the kitchen.

"Am I a bad person?" Khari blurted out. Neil turned back around, and contorted his face in confusion. "Come on, Neil. I know you seen what I was doin' these last few months. Be honest."

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now