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Thank you all for checking on me. I'm much better. So, I'm updating again 🙃.. Enjoy 😘 — Kourt 💕

Makayla, Hunter, Maya, & Brian in the mm.

Manhattan, New York
A week later...

Malia sighed as her eyes watched the busyness of the Manhattan streets through her tinted windows

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Malia sighed as her eyes watched the busyness of the Manhattan streets through her tinted windows. The judge had given his verdict and her client was granted $3.5 million. He explained that the New York Police Department had displayed negligence which she had already knew. She expected that the news of her winning her case would cheer her up. But, here she was moping around because Khari wasn't speaking to her. He would call to talk with the kids, but never say a word to her. It was hard, and she knew that he was hurt as well. It was all her fault, she could only blame herself.

The ringing of a phone snapped her out of her trance. She blinked a few times, looking at her bodyguard, Neil, who had retrieved his phone out of his suit jacket. He spoke briefly, and directed her driver to take another route. It was probably paparazzi, and Neil understood that she hated to deal with it. "Thank you, Neil."

He turned and nodded. "No problem, Mrs. Valentine." She gave him a small smile as he returned his focus forward. She was meeting with her sisters and their husbands for lunch. Makayla made a surprise visit because she was invited to speak to the little future ballerinas. Maya lived in Manhattan with Brian so Malia needed something to distract her.

"We're here, Mrs. Valentine." Her driver, Callahan, spoke.

"We're going through the back ma'am. Paparazzi has the front door swarmed." Neil instructed, and Malia nodded her head. He stepped out of the truck, opening her door. She grabbed her purse, and stepped out adjusting the frames on her face and smoothing out her dress.

Neil led her through the back entrance of the restaurant, and she took off her sunglasses

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Neil led her through the back entrance of the restaurant, and she took off her sunglasses. Her eyes roamed until she found her sisters laughing and giggling with their men. She did envy them now especially since her and Khari were not on good terms. Her heels clicked against the floor as she made her way to the private area. She didn't miss the surprise looks on the customer's faces as they spotted her. Although she was the wife of the best basketball player in the world, Malia had made a name for herself with her own occupation. As a young, black female lawyer, she accomplished things that would take years to do.

Malia&Khari IIWhere stories live. Discover now