my name is...

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*Demetriana's POV*


It's time to go to bed, and I am surprisingly so tired! I want to pass out.

I went in my room and just started taking off my shirt and pants leaving me in just my bra and underwear. Since, I don't have a roommate and all.

"AH, oh my god!" I heard a voice say.

I screamed. I didn't realize that someone moved into my- I mean the room.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in here?" I practically yelled.

"Chill out, kid. I'm Josie, 14 y/o. I just moved in here. I have problems, just like you." Josie said.

"Oh, sorry. I was just- it's just because my old roo-" I was cut off.

"Listen, I don't want to hear your life story. Not yet. But, maybe in the future." she sounded rather rude. "What's your name?" Josie said.

I started to speak and tell her my name, but the loud bell sounded. That meant that it was time to go to bed. I'm pretty sure that I can tell her my name in the morning. It's not that big of a deal.

-----A week later-----------

*Josie's POV*

Its been a week and I still don't know my roommates' name.

To be honest, I don't really care. As long as I find Demetriana.

My roommate and I have a lot of classes together. She seems really nice, but also like a push over.

I may seem mean and like a bad person, but I do have serious problems of my own. I have a complicated life story.

My mom is addicted to drugs and alcohol, and she left me when I was only 1. You guessed it, that left me with my dad. I never liked my dad because he had a wife who would always abuse me and touch me in ways I didn't want to be touched. I found that weird since she was married to a man, but was touching a girl. She should've married a woman. (A/N- No hate.)

When I was 3, I told my dad. They both insisted I was crazy and sent me away. I always appeared cute at the Adoption Center, and I got adopted by a wonderful family. I was happy. But, when I was 5, I started to get abused by them also which led to me cutting myself. I learned about it from my older sister in that family.

She committed suicide when I was 7. All eyes were focused on me then, and they found out I cut.

It permanently went on my record and ever since, people would adopt me, and then take me right back after fully processing it.

The bell rang which signaled for me to go to my next class.

I have music and the roomie has a special class. I didn't know what that was, but I hope she has fun.

I want to talk to her after. Get to know her better.


*Demetriana's POV*

I have my special class right now.

I really am anxious to see what's so special about it. I really was looking forward to it because I'd get to see Liza. She got moved and stripped of her schedule because she isn't doing very well.

The class started and a strange person behind the curtain started to talk.

"Hi. I'm a special speaker for you guys today. I'm behind a curtain because this isn't something I like to talk about..."


*Demi's POV*

I arrived at the treatment center, because I was asked to be a guest speaker. I also was told that my babygirl was going to be in the audience.

I went behind the curtain, to hide my face so that it'd be a surprise. I'd open the curtain when it's pretty obvious that it's me.

"Hi. I'm a special speaker for you guys today. I'm behind a curtain because this isn't something I like to talk about, I might tear up a little... Just to warn you." I laughed.

"When I was younger... I wasn't the happiest person ever. I was very sad, and I didn't like life very much. If that's a way to explain it. I had several problems and I cut myself everyday. I was bullied my mean people. I still am! But, back then it was worse. I was told I'm worthless, fat and ugly. I couldn't take it. Then, I got pregnant. Not many people know that." By then, I was crying, Just rethinking all that's happened to me.

"I was constantly getting drunk and it wasn't good for my baby. I eventually made the hardest decision of my life. I gave her up" I knew babygirl had heard that.

I heard a gasp from the audience.

I signaled for the curtain to open. I then turned around.

"I've lived with the regret for years. I recently got my babygirl back. I got the treatment that I needed. Right here in this treatment center. It wasn't easy, and it's not going to be easy for you. I stayed strong, and believed in myself. I was confident that I can get better. You have to be also. Because I was better... I got the most wonderful thing In my life back. My baby girl, Demetriana. I'm so proud of her for this and for her being so strong." I saw her in the front row, sitting before me. I was holding her hand.

"I'm proud to say this also... after being in here for a month. ONLY a month, my baby girl can come home in week. I love you, baby girl" I said. She was smiling, crying and the joy on her face made me 20x happier.

She jumped up in my arms. She told me that she loved me and couldn't wait to come home.

I can't wait for her to come home also, because we are leaving to L.A and I had her room decorated for her. While she was in here, I flew back to L.A and chose a few things for her. She's going to love it.


I eventually had to leave her.

I said my goodbyes as they took her away.

Before I left, I signed out and saw that Selena Gomez checked in her daughter, Josie. I know that can't be good considering she hates me and is out to get me and Demetriana.

I was in serious panic mode by now.

I yelled and screamed while nurses dragged me out the door.

"Stay away from..." SLAM! The door closed in my face.

My baby better not get hurt. Or else me and Selena will have to chat.


A/N- Hey! I'm writing like crazy, I know.

In the next chapter, Demetriana is going to be released from rehab.

A lot of drama is going to happen.

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I'm aiming for at least 50 chapters of this book so it's going to get more interesting and cliff hangery. Hang in there!

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