too good to be true.

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*Demetriana's POV*

Maddie has been dead for two weeks now and we just got back from her funeral. They are all a huge mess. I am too, but maybe if I knew her a little bit more than maybe I would be in hysterics also.

We are leaving back to L.A tonight, Demi and I. She's been a total wreck since Maddie has died. There's been nights where all she does is cry. She's spoken only 10 words to everyone in the past 2 weeks. I hope she doesn't continue like this.

"Listen up everyone" Dianna said.

I turned and looked at grandma who was wearing all black and had tear stains.

" To Madison, she may be gone, but she'll always be with us." she started to cry.

We all raised our glasses in the air and said cheers. Of course Demi and I 's glasses had apple juice, but it's the thought that counts.

I went upstairs and started to pack my clothes. Demi's room is next door to mine. We have connecting rooms thanks to the bathroom. My side was closed and locked from the inside so I went to her side to see if it was open, but it too was locked.

I leaned closely into the door to see If I can hear anything, but I heard her slowly whispering something to herself.

It couldn't hear what she was saying because it was so fast and sounded crazy.

I just let it go and kept packing. I eventually ended up packing her stuff for her because she hadn't came out of the bathroom.

I started packing and saw that she had 4 blades in her drawer, I don't think that I was supposed to see those. I gasped and as if on cue, Demi came right out of the bathroom looking angry ass fuck.

"What the hell are you doing with my things?" she screamed and snatched the blades out of my hand.

For the first time... I was scare of Demi.

She winced as she snatched the blades which caused her to bleed.

She rubbed the blood off on my clothes. I was getting ready to say something, but was shocked so I didn't. I just walked away.

I met Demi downstairs when it was time for our flight.

We said goodbye to everyone and I ended leaving after Demi. Grandma pulled me to the side and talked to me.

"If anything happens, don't hesitate to call me." she said worried. It was as if she knew something was going to happen.

I just nodded and plastered a small smile onto my face to hide the scared part of me. Why would she say that if she didn't know anything.

It was about 2am when we arrived back to L.A. I miss my horse. I haven't seen her in two weeks. Maybe I'll go Friday.

I climbed into bed and fell asleep for about 7 hours.

I suddeny woke up to the smashing of glass. I checked the time and it was around 9 o'clock.

I groaned to the thought that Demi must have been cooking breakfast. I denied the thought because if she were, then I'd be smelling something burning right now.

I put on slippers to go downstairs because of the broken glass I heard.

I went down to see Demi who was scratched in the face, had red eyes and was drenched in the smell of alcohol. She said she wouldn't drink again. Ever.

I just looked at her with shame in my eyes. I couldn't look her directly in the eyes so I looked at her body instead.

I looked at the floor which was now covered in glass and decided to pick it up. I began to pick it up when my eyes trailed to Demi's wrist. It had almost 10 cuts on it. She relapsed.

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