what's wrong with being popular?

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*Demetriana's POV*

I woke up to my alarm. I hit it off and looked at the time. 5:30am and school starts at 7:30. Why the hell am I up? Oh yeah, because school is like 30 minutes away.

I slowly started to drift back off to sleep when I heard pots banging in the hallway followed by...

I ain't get no sleep cause of y'all, y'all not gone get no sleep cause of me

And then Demi's laugh with a "Haha, that is fun!" It made me smile.

"Demetriana, time to get up!" She sang still banging the pots. She must've had coffee. "I'm up, shit" I said under my breath.

I got up, took a shower and curled my hair. I put some foundation over my cuts and then got dressed. I'm wearing a navy blue patterned skirt and a white crop top along with a gold bracelet and necklace.

I decided to put on some light ref lipstick and blue contacts. I wear glasses, I just never tell people. I put on some white flats and went downstairs to join Demi for breakfast. It's about 6:30am now and she made pancakes. They're pretty burnt.

She sat staring at me picking at my pancakes. "Are you gonna eat those?" She said eagerly.

"Hell no. Take me to Starbucks" I said in a rich girl tone. I picked up my purse and walked out of the door with Demi following me.

"Bitch" she mumbled under her breath.

"I heard that!" I yelled.

We got to Starbucks and I ordered the original. A white chocolate mocha (A/N legit fave drink there). I had my mocha in my hand as we pulled up to school.

I let a tear escape my eye. "Honey, no! What's wrong?" Demi said in a comforting tone.

"Nothing. I'm just scared. What if they don't like me?" I asked Demi.

"You'll be great. They'll love you just as much as I love you. If possible." Demi said.

I gave her a kiss on her cheek, wiped my eyes and did my makeup over because some ran. I got out of the car and said goodbye.

I walked into the school and it looked pretty nice inside.

As soon as I stepped foot into the door all eyes were on me. I started to tense up, but then remembered What's wrong with being confident? I reached for ten black sunglasses on my head and pulled them down covering my eyes fiercely.

Everyone gasped and started talking as I walked down the hall. All eyes stayed on me though. I was hearing things like:

She's Demi Lovato's daughter.
That's the new girl?
She's hot.
Can she be my friend?

I chuckled and smiled at the thoughts of people.

I made my way to the office just as the bell rang.

"Hey, girlie." The lady said. The voice sounded familiar. I remember this girl from Demi's videos on snapchat.

"Marissa?" I lifted my sunglasses with her making eye contact.

"Yes?" She said. I knew she might not have known what I looked like. I just stared at her. "Name please?" She asked nicely.

"Lovato. Demetriana Lovato." I said with a smile. She looked up at me and smiled while standing up.

"Omg! Demi's daughter? I haven't talked to Demetria in about 5 months! I didn't know she was back! Oh my gosh you have grown so much! You look so beautiful!" Marissa said engulfing me in a huge warm hug. She smelled like sweet cherries.

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