the place.

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*Demi's POV*

I woke up the next morning a bit hungry. I walked downstairs to see Naya sitting there. A smile crept on my face.

People think I like Naya, but I seriously don't. We're just best friends. Plus, I'm still in love with Wilmer. I don't know what's gonna happen with him though.

"You were sleeping for a long time. I made waffles." She said. I laughed.

"You stay making breakfast for me!" I laughed again. She stood up to come join me in the dining room while I ate. We chatted about some things and decided to go get ready and see Demetriana.

I dressed in all black and put on a hat that covered my face, so that my Lovatics wouldn't notice me. Naya did the same so no fans would rush up to her either.

It was a long drive. We arrived in the middle of no where and knocked on the big, tall and black cracked door. I wiped my hands off on Naya's stomach causing her to giggle. "Silence!" We heard a booming voice come out from no where.

I shrieked. I was honestly scared... like that came out of nowhere! We heard the large doors creak open and slide across the ground. We stepped in the door into a very dark place.

We continued walk and jumped as soon as the big doors slammed shut. That's when the light turned on. What the hell?

We stepped farther and a lady came up on a platform from underground. She was laughing and and clapping.

"Did I scare you?" She says in the nicest voice. I let the anger take over my voice.

"Yes, the fuck you d-" I started. Naya took over. "Yes. She means Yes." Naya giggled tightening her grip on my arm.

The lady turned and motioned for us to follow her. So, we did. We went to the end of the hallway and stopped at a dark door that said "Demetriana". Naya and I exchanged looks. Like, is she that dark of a person?

She opened the door to reveal a pink room with large rainbows and shit. I was like what the fuck. I immediately started laughing. We walked farther in the room to see Demetriana playing with someone. It was a girl. I don't know who it is.

"Baby girl?" I said to Demetriana.

"Mom?!" She said running over to me giving me a hug. I smiled at baby girl.

"Who's this?" I said pointing to a little brown girl. (A/N- reference to someone. it's not racism. it's a hint to who it is)

*Demetriana's POV*

Mom just asked who my friend was.

To be honest with you, I'm so excited to tell her! See, this friend is a very special one. I've seen her at rehab, but lost connection with her. She's ambit too crazy in the head for me right now, but I can manage. The voices control her.

"Liza Koshy, she was in rehab with me!" I spoke to mom. Mom smiled

Naya came over to me and gave me a hug. "The kids in your classes miss you." She said.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her a way. "That's a total lie!" I pouted. Yes, I still act like a baby.

I don't know why I'm still in here. I'm doing perfectly fine. The children said that they had to leave me. I'm okay with that. Liza on the other hand, needs some time.

"Honey, I'm glad you're getting better. We have to go. I'll come back and see you tomorrow, okay baby girl? I love you more than anyone else could ever love you." Mom said coming to hug me. I missed her scent.

They turned around to leave when Liza started talking. "Don't go." Liza kept repeating. Demi and Naya turned around to see Liza crawling over to them.

Demi and Naya just kept slowly backing out of the room. Eventually running down the hallway leaving.

It's night time here and it's pretty dark. Liza left. She always sneaks out of the window at night and I don't know why. I'm expected not to tell.

This one time she came back with bloody hands, but then said that she had accidentally tripped and landed her hands on sticks. I believed her.

This time she came back with blood everywhere. What the hell is she doing at night? "Liza!!" I nearly yelled. I ran over to her and helped her change and clean up before they come in.

When she was done taking a shower and ready to get into bed... she put on an necklace. It was a pure gold chain. I couldn't see what the charm was, but how'd she get that?

We drifted off to sleep when I heard sirens in the distance. Must be another call. I decided to drift off to sleep.
"Liza's POV"
They will never know where I'm going.

Tonight I'm doing something special.

I can't tell anyone, but Demetriana knows it's bloody.

Oh, she's in for a ride.

She's starting to figure it out.

I think I'll have to do something, that'll freak her the fuck out.


The next story will be even better.

What does Liza do?

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