good boys gone bad

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*Demetriana's POV*

I was so angry with Demi. I can't believe she chose to do that besides watch from a distance. I am walking towards the wood with Chad. We are going to order a pizza near his house which is through the woods he told me.

"Hey, Chad? We've been walking for a long time, where's your house?" I said worried.

He then pointed at a huge house on the other side of the woods. I dropped my mouth wide open. It was bigger than Demi's house and our house is huge. It was beautiful too. Goals.

We walked over to the house, but he passed the front door.

"I always go to the back of the house, because it's always unlocked. It's easier to get in." Chad said.

I just shrugged and nodded because why not. We entered the house and it was glowing! It had a really tall staircase and roses all over the place and alcohol and all of that.

"It's nice of you to do this for me, but I don't drink." I said shyly. If I drink, Demi can be triggered by it. Why should I care about her?

We heard a knock on the door and that must have been the pizza. Chad said to stay in the room while he went to get it. He came back with a pepperoni pizza in the shape of a heart with him. He opened up the bottle of alcohol and poured us some in a cup. I ate about 2 slices of pizza, but didn't drink any of the alcohol.

"You haven't drank any of it. Try it" Chad grinned. I shook my head no. He ignored me and picked up the glass and forced it to my lips.

All of a sudden we heard the front door open. Chad's eyes grew wide and he started to shush me. We heard a booming voice call out.

"Who's in my house!" The guy said. Now my eyes grew big.

"What the hell, Chad. This isn't your house?" I whisper yelled.

"No, sorry. I thought they weren't coming back for a while!" He said quietly.

He held my hand and took me down the stairs. For 10 minutes we stayed in the pantry. We then heard police sirens. Shit, Demi's gonna kill me.

We heard the police sirens near the front door so we thought that if we snuck out through the back door, we'd get away. We thought wrong.

Going out the back door, we came face to face with 3 police officers with a gun in their hands ready to shoot. They dropped the guns and pinned us down to the ground.

"You two are under arrest for the breaking and entering of a house" they said. I can't go to jail! What the fuck. Just then, a manly figure came and said something to me.

"Demetriana?" A Hispanic voice said.

"Hey.... Wilmer." I said with shame.

Wilmer then told the police to let me go, but take Chad to jail. I told Wilmer everything and he believed me. He told me that I'm still in big trouble and that he's gonna drive me to Demi's house.

*Demi's POV*

I was sitting on my couch texting and calling Demetriana to see where she was when there was a sudden knock on my front door. I went downstairs and opened the door to see Demetriana.

I engulfed her in a huge hug and kisses. "Don't you ever do that ever again!" I said sternly and then went back to smothering her.

"Ahem." a manly figure said.

"Wilmer?" I asked. I couldn't stop smiling because I haven't seen him in forever.

"Hermosa." he said smiling even harder.

We stood there looking at each other for about 5 minutes until I felt Demetriana try to get away. I tightened my grip on her and cleared my throat looking away from Wilmer. God, he's a sexy man.

We went downstairs and I passed out some cheese and crackers and fruit punch to both of them. Something looked like it was bothering Demetriana. She was staring off into the distance.

"Demetriana, baby... are you okay?" I said worried. She looked at me and then Wilmer and nodded at Wilmer.

"Hermosa, I found Chad and Demetriana in my house this afternoon. Chad broke in. I had Chad arrested, but I told Demetriana that we were going to have a serious talk with you." He said eyeing Demetriana.

I gave Demetriana "the" look. I know it wasn't her fault, but still. She should have not gone to "his house" on the first date.

"You d-didn't do anything stupid did you?" I said trailing off, hoping she knows what I mean.

"No, gosh Demi." she said.

"Okay, so go up to your room, I want your phone and your laptop on my bed by the time I get up there. Goodnight." I said like an actual mother.

That left Wilmer and I down here. He started to get up and go when he turned around and asked me a question.

"How would you like to go to dinner Saturday night?" Wilmer said with a smirk.

"I'd love that!" I said smiling harder than I did when I saw that my show was sold out.

He left and I just sat there against the door thinking about him. I sure hope Demetriana feels comfortable with him. Maybe some time we can go out with him on an outing. Make him a part of everything

*Demetriana's POV*

I went upstairs and decided to check my phone one more time before I gave it to Demi. I got a text message from Chad.

C: You could have done something to get me out of jail. I got out no thanks to you.

D: You could have not broke into a random house! Not my fault.

He didn't text me back. I blocked his number and deleted our text messages, because we're so done.

I ended up eating a whole tub of ice cream and watching scary movies for the rest of the night.

Later that night I was listening to Sel's new album and I heard Demi bumping around. It sounded like she was throwing her phone against the wall over and over again. All of a sudden I hear "DEMETRIANA DEVONNA LOVATO, get your ass down here now!" Demi yelled.

Shit, what did I do now? I said to myself.

I walked downstairs and she was standing there with tears streaming down her eyes and a mad look on her face. She picked up her now cracked phone and showed me all of the hate that she was getting. I was tearing up because I realized it was all my fault. She then pointed to the news with her now lifeless arms.

Is Demi Lovato abusive? Source Chad Cooper says 'Demetriana told me that Demi hit her multiple times in a night because she was drunk. Apparently she relapsed and had to go back to rehab when she said she was in Tokyo visiting a friend.'

There was Chad on the screen and I held my hands over my mouth in shock. How could he?

I slid down the wall in defeat as Demi came closer to me. She kept saying it was alright, but I hated myself for it. Seeing her so sad just tore me apart. It's all my fault. I started to calm down and as soon as Demi fell asleep I released myself from her arms and ran upstairs.

She must have felt me leave and run because she immediately got up and started to follow me. I ran to my bathroom and shut the door In her face and locked it. I went to the cabinet and found the cheapest and easiest to break razor I could find.

Demi sobbed at the sound of the razor crashing to the floor. She was struggling trying to open the door.

I sat there with the razor going across my arms, not caring. Soon before I lost too much blood, Demi managed to open the door.

She grabbed the razor from me and sat there holding me.

After a while, everything went black.

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