i'm used to it

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*Demetriana's POV*

I miss Demi.

It seems as if I've been around Naya a lot lately. She's not as bad as she used to be, but I still want my mom.

We finally arrived home after a long night at Naya's house and crying. I slept with her like I was a little baby.

It was about 4am when I heard Demi's phone ring.

Demi: What the hell! You know we have different time zones!
Demi: No, I asked for purple and pink balloons because that's her favorite colors!
Demi: I'm paying you for this so you better pull through or else!
Demi: Asshole.

I heard Demi whisper shout. Damn, Demi! I wonder what she's talking about. Hmm.

I felt her get back in bed so I shut my eyes tight and silently went back to sleep.

*Demi's POV*

I got off of the phone with the party planners because I was pissed and upset that they still haven't came to my location yet and baby girl's birthday is in a week.

She's turning 14! This is going to be the first birthday I experience with her. I can't wait.

I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep. No sooner than what felt like 10 minutes later, the alarm went off.

Demetriana and I groaned at the same exact time making each of us laugh. I have an important meeting today so I needed to hurry and get out of the door.

I dressed in a black mini skirt and a ruffled pink shirt along with my black pumps. I straightened my hair and went to grab my keys and purse.

"Demetriana! We're running late! What's taking so long?" I said rolling my eyes. It takes this girl at least an hour and a half to get ready.

She comes out of her door in sweats and a messy bun. What the hell took so long then?

We rushed out the door and sped through the Starbucks drive through and to her school. I needed to talk to Naya.

I dropped her off and said goodbye. I went around to the back of the school and parked so that she couldn't see me entering.

I then saw Naya walking into the door. I ran out of the car barely shutting the door hard enough. "Naya!" I ran and screamed after her.

I was almost to her when I tripped and fell on a rock breaking my heels. "Shit" I thought out loud. What a day!

Naya erupted in laughter. Fuck her! I took off the heels and stood up following her into the building and into her classroom. We shut the door and talked so Demetriana wouldn't see or notice.

"Dems, what's up?" Naya said sipping her coffee.

"This is about Demetriana. Do you notice any bullying going on or anything?" I asked. Naya's eyes wandered.

"There are these girls and they noticed her cuts, but I took care of it. I'll make sure they won't do it again." Naya said assuringly. I smiled.

"Okay, thanks. Also... I just don't want her to relapse. She's been doing very well. I haven't checked her for cuts in a couple of weeks, so I don't know whether she has been cutting or not." I said hesitantly.

"It just hurts to know that my baby is going through this also!" I confessed. A tear started to come from my eye.

"I'll keep a look out, Dems. I have to grade papers though and the kids will be here any minute so I'll see you later, ok?" Naya said to me. We hugged and said goodbye and I headed out of the door.

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