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*Naya's POV*

I woke up at about 8, and went into the guest room to see if Demi and Demetriana were up yet. Little to no surprise, they weren't. I chuckled and left the room.

I decided to go downstairs and make some breakfast. I don't usually do that too often. Why not?

Demetriana told me that she loves pancakes, so I'll make her that. Maybe she'll actually eat it.

I made 4 Chocolate, 6 M&M's and 2 peanut butters for Demi. I made way too many.

I fried bacon and cooked some eggs. I set up the table. 2 pancakes on each plate. Orange juice to the side. The eggs on one side of the flower and the bacon on the other. Right next to the eggs I placed some ketchup. I don't know if it's just me, but ketchup and eggs are so good!

I went upstairs to wake up Demi and Demetriana. It's about 9am right now. I knocked on the door softly and opened it to reveal messy sheets and nobody in bed.

That's strange. I turned around to see Demetriana and Dani standing right behind me. I screamed.

"What the hell!" I said holding my hand over my heart.

They erupted in laughter. It's good to finally see a smile on Demetriana's face. That made me calm down a bit more.

We marched downstairs and as soon as Demetriana saw the pancakes her face lit up.

"Pancakes!" She sad running over to them and pouring syrup. Demi and I smirked at each other because we actually are getting her to eat and went to go sit down. I'm glad I did make breakfast!

She grabbed a big bite of the M&M pancakes. She sighed in relief and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I gave her the weirdest of look.

"Sorry, it's just that these are so good! Mom can't cook so..." she said. I smiled while Demi pouted.

I put the M&Ms in the middle of the pancake so that they were hidden. It's a thing my grandma used to do to surprise me. Everybody loves chocolate.

Demetriana got to the middle and took a big bite. She made a funny face. She looked down and started poking her pancake. I started to worry. "Demetriana...?" I started. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She shook her head no. That's when her tongue fell out of her mouth.

It was big, puffy, red, and swollen. It was the size of a ball inside of her mouth! She started screaming! I stood up, following Demi over next to her. "I'm allergic to chocolate!" She said. Well, I'm a bad teacher. I should have looked at her allergy papers.

"Go! Go get your keys. Let's go to the hospital." I nodded and ran to the door with my keys in my hand. We were dressed so we didn't have to worry about that.

In the car ride, Demetriana's tongue started oozing. Yellow stuff started to come out.

As soon as we reached the hospital I got out and ran to the back picking up Demetriana into my arms. I ran alongside Demi into the emergency room. They took her to the nearest room and stabbed her with a needle about the thickness of my fingernail.

I winced. You'd think she would. They said that they needed to keep her for an extra hour, so me and Demi went to go talk outside while she slept.

"You know... Demi-" I said. I was about to apologize until she cut me off.

"It's okay. I just... I'm upset because I myself didn't know that she had an allergy. My poor baby." Demi started crying her eyes out. We sat there for maybe 10 minutes like that until a doctor came out.

"You guys are able to take her home now." The doctor said to us. I woke Demi up who was now sleeping and snoring all at once on my shoulder.

We walked in and saw Demetriana sitting and looking out of the window. She was smiling.

"Baby girl. What are you smiling at?" I said sitting next to her. She smiled up at me.

"I see them. The kids. They're playing." She said happily. I looked out the window and froze. I turned my head to look at Demi and the expression on her face. Demi started laughing. What's she laughing for.

"B-b-baby girl. Stop messing wit-" Demi said, her face straightening out with every word she spoke. She was worried by then. Demi came over to us.

"There are no people there." Demi said rubbing Demetriana's back.

I grabbed her things and we walked out and into the car.

"Let's go to DisneyLand?" I said. Demi looked at me and nodded like she was a kid. Demetriana yelled, "Yay!" I smiled.

"As long as Frankie can come." She said. I looked at her confused.

"Wh-who's Frankie?" Demi and I said. Demetriana smiled.

"She's sitting next to me. Can't you see her? I met her at the hospital. She's so cute! She's 6." She said looking at the window next to her. We both turned back around and Demetriana frowned.

"It's not polite for you not to say hello to Frankie." Demetriana's eyebrow raised.

"Honey," Demi started, placing her hand on Demetriana's knee.

"Say it!" Demetriana screamed at Demi. Well, then. Demi sighed, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. Hi, Frankie." She smiled looking at the empty seat. She turned around and looked at me. I just turned away not knowing what's happening.

The whole way to the amusement park, Demetriana kept singing with her friend "Frankie". It's a bit creepy to be honest.

I just hope she's okay. I'm gonna take her to see someone during lunch at school tomorrow. Demi asked me to. I'm so worried.

Please go... Frankie.

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Okay... So I'm really excited to say this. I'm gonna end this book soon. But!!! I'm gonna write another one and it's gonna be really cool! I'm learning how to write better so it should be good.

I'm not releasing the title yet, but I'm gonna work on the first chapter.

How do you like this chapter? Creepy? Okkkkkkk, byeeee!

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