don't let her in.

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*Demetriana's POV*

I'm so embarrassed that she saw my cuts. I still don't like her though. Earlier, she practically kicked me out of her room.

I'm in the car with her now and she won't stop singing. She's so good, but she's getting annoying. "Will you stop singing?" I said rolling my eyes. I felt the car jerk to a stop.

"Listen. I'm trying here. You better be lucky I didn't leave you at school waiting for Demi." She said. She's obviously sick of my attitude. Let's bring on more of it.

"Would've been better than this." I said mumbling loud enough so that she can hear.

She sighed and kept driving. After about 35 minutes, we arrived at a beautiful house. Demi's is a little bit bigger and better, but this ones okay.

I was in awe so I barely realized that she was ready to get out. "Are you gonna get out?" She said impatiently. "Yes, calm your fucking tits." I said slamming the door in her face.

She sighed heavily once again. Demi's gonna be mad at me. I hope she doesn't tell. I hate when Demi is mad at me. You'd think that I wouldn't do this knowing that Demi's gonna find out, but it's fun.

We walked into the house and everything was Gold. It was pretty nice. She must have paid a hell of a lot for it.

I took off my shoes and stood in the doorway waiting for her to say something. "Come on in and take a seat." She said. I walked in and sat on the couch putting my feet up on the coffee table while she was in the kitchen.

I turned on the t.v and started watching Law & Order: SVU. Keep in mind that I still had my feet on the coffee table. "Hey... I love that sho-" I heard Naya say. I turned around and noticed that she had cheese and crackers in her hand. "Ooh!" I started.

I reached out to grab some and she slapped my hand away. "Owie! What was that for?" I said as if I were 4. She smirked. "Get your feet off of my table!" She whined. I rolled my eyes and took my feet off.

She extended her arm and told me to take some and put them on the plate now next to me. I smirked and grabbed the plate and put 5 of the 15 crackers on it. I took the tray and handed her the plate. "Thanks!" I said smiling and ate the crackers. Her mouth dropped open.

I spit them out and rubbed my tongue. "What kind of cheese is this?" I yelled at Naya. "Your mom!" I heard her yell back from the kitchen.

I groaned and went upstairs to find the bathroom. I reached the bathroom and had to pee. I pulled my pants down and released the liquid. I looked down and saw a pool of blood. What the hell? I started to panic. I've heard about this, but never had the actual talk.

I didn't know what to do. Here I am in Naya Rivera's house, and not with my Mom having my first period. Shit.

I picked up my phone and dialed Demi. I know she's in a meeting, but this is urgent.

Phone call:

Me: Mom! Mom?
D: What? I'm in a meeting. This better be good.
M: I'm starting my period and don't know what to do. Am I gonna die? It won't stop, mommy!

Demi began to laugh so hard. People in the background started asking her what it was. "My daughter just got her first period and think she's gonna die!" They all began to laugh. What the hell. This is a serious matter!

Me: Mom!
Demi: Yeah, honey. Sorry. Listen, you're not going to die. I'll call Naya. Gotta go. Love you, bye.

So am I supposed to sit here and wait for Naya?

I heard Naya on the phone with Demi.

"Why didn't she just call me and tell me?" Naya said. "She doesn't like me very much. I'm trying so hard, Dems!" Naya said with hurt in her voice.

I decided to be evil. "Yeah, that's right I don't like you!" I screamed loud enough for Naya to hear. Hopefully Demi didn't hear.

I heard Naya get off of the phone and make her way upstairs.

She knocked on the door. "Open up please!" She said. "I'm naked, bitch." I said rudely.

"Open the damn door!" She said. The only reason I said that is because I have old cuts up and down my legs. I don't want her to see what was above the skirt. She saw what was below, but she can't see above.

I had to think quick. I put toilet paper over them so they were hid and I opened the door. She looked frustrated so, I didn't say anything.

"Okay, so would you like a pad or tampon? A pad, you put on your underwear, and a tampon you stick up your-" she said. "I'll take the pad! I'm not shoving nothing up nowhere!" I said.

She brought me a pair of her new underwear she recently bought. They were really big on me though, but she put the pad in and let me take a shower in her room.

I came out of the shower in about 20 minutes and went back out to put on my clothes. I went downstairs and she was watching t.v so I decided to do some homework. I walked right past her when she started laughing.

I turned around. "What?" I said. She kept laughing. "Your pants have a shit ton of blood on them." I looked even more embarrassed.

She stood up and waved me to follow her. She took me to her closet and gave me some sweatpants to change into. She left the room to give me privacy. They were VERY huge on me.

We went downstairs and I did my homework. By the time I was finished... we went and started dinner. I don't like to eat around people that much if it's not Demi.

"Want to make a pizza?" She asked. I nodded. She took out some flour and all of the other ingredients involved. It got pretty messy.

It was done in about an hour and we were getting ready to eat. I went to sit at one of the high chairs in the kitchen and lifted my leg up, but my pants fell down. Naya noticed and covered her mouth at the sight of my many cuts. I quickly pulled my pants up and sat down.

I was picking at my pizza and she was watching. I let a tear slip out and onto my pizza.

"Honey? You alright?" She asked coming over to me. I don't want her to touch me. Thank God that the door bell rang. That must be Demi.

Naya detoured and went to open the door. There was a cheery Demi. "How did it go?" She said. Naya explained the good, but mostly the bad. Demi seemed pissed off.

I saw her and she came over trying to talk to me sternly. I looked her in her eyes and her eyes softened. I let more tears escape in my eyes. I broke down in sobs as I engulfed my mom in a huge hug.

All Naya could do was stand there. I feel bad about how I treat her. I can't let them know that though.

I hate when people see my scars. I hate when people see me cry. I hate everything.

I eventually let go and got my stuff ready. We thanked Naya and headed off home. The car ride was very silent.

Never again.



I really like Naya's role. She's gonna be a major supporter to Demetriana in the story.

Comment, vote, etc.

40th CHAPTER!! When should I stop this book? I'm thinking 50. I know how I want to end it. Hopefully you won't be too angry. Hehe.

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