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*Demetriana's POV*

I woke up in a dark room. I obviously was drugged. I also woke up feeling like I was sick.

Speaking of sick... I vomited.

I heard a manly voice in the distance.

"Oh, great she's up." I heard them say.

They've got me in chains.

A light suddenly turned on and saw a guy who was in their 20s.

"Why am I here? Why did you take me?" I said.

They came closer and I finally realized who it was.

*Demi's POV*

I was in my room at my mothers and on my phone. I wanted some gum from my purse so I got up and went to get it.

I looked at the package and realized that it was not closed. I always have to close my gum package or else it's like... I don't know.

I knew that Demetriana probably did it since my purse has only been around her. I realized that I had the notes from Sel in there that I was hiding from her.

They were folded wrong also.

I started to panic, and as if I wasn't panicking enough already, I got a phone call from my mother.

"Yes, mom?" I said annoyed... because why is she calling me at this time?

It seemed like she was running. I was wondering what was happening. I started to panic more, when I heard a gunshot!

I started screaming and I went to Maddie and told her to get up and that we had to go to the mall.

I explained everything to her and by then she was crying and panicking also.

I sure hope my mom's okay, and whoever stole my baby... I'm coming for them.

I arrived at the mall and saw the scene. I looked for my mom and found her laying on the ground.

I screamed and ran towards her, she got up and told me that she's okay.

"Why the hell were you on the ground like that?" I asked her.

"Oh, Demi shut the hell up and go over there and get on the news. they're talking about it." she said.

I ran over to where the news was being shot.

I got on camera and told them that I'm the mom.

They pushed me out of the way and the police took hold of me.

"Ma'am you're going to have to step back. I understand that you're the mom-"

"Obviously, you don't fucking understand that I'm the mom. I need you to do everything that you can to get my baby back. Or else I promise that you'll lose your job. Yes, I am threatening you, the police officer because I am Demetria Devonne Lovato and I am worth more than every single donut that you eat. My child is out there somewhere going through who knows what and I am here while you're on your fat lazy ass, about to punch someone in the face. Do something, or I will." I said fiercly.

By then I realized that the camera was pointed towards me.

"Bet you want to get that on camera, huh?" I said.

I stuck up my middle finger and said "Kiss my rich ass!"

I needed my baby back and I am going to get her back.

I went to the police station and answered questions and saw the footage.

There was a guy about 5'7", he had black hair and he was dressed in all black. He had a mask over his face so that nobody can see him. Smart. I noticedthat he had a gold watch.

A gold watch.

I turned to the officer and told him to zoom in on it.

I looked closely and found what I was looking for.


I then knew who it was... But my baby didn't fully know who he was.


*Demetriana's POV*

I was sitting there listening to him talk.

"Now, I'm going to send your Mom a text." he said.

"How do you know who I am and who my mom is? Why did you take me?" I asked. I was so scared. I was shaking!

I have her. Give it to me and she won't get hurt.

He sent the text. Give what to him? What does mom have that he wants? What's going on here?

"I will tell you what I'm talking about sooner or later. You'll find out. This is what's going to happen. In the next 30 minutes, your mother is going to track down my text message, find us, and have police waiting outside. She's going to try and take you without giving me what I want. So if she doesn't hand it over..." he said. I wasn't listening.

"You're going to say 'Give it to him, or else I'm staying here with him.'" he kept rambling.

He went on and on for the next 30 minutes and finally there was a knock at the door. I knew it was Mom.

We both went to the door, but he held my arm so tight. He didn't let me run to her.

I started to cry.

My mom stood there without the police and closed the door.

"I have it. Hand me my daughter first." She said.

"No. The chip first." The guy said.

"Give it to him, or else I will never speak to you again... Demi." I intervened. She flinched at how coldly I said Demi.

I started crying, the fact that I had to say that. I missed calling her mommy already.

She slid the chip on the floor over to him, sobbing, and tickled her ear and moved to the side of the door.

It was a signal, I started to smile.

The door bust open, and he let go of me. I ran to my mom.

"DROP THE GUN!" the officer said.

I almost reached my mom's arms when I heard a loud bang.

Before I knew it, a sudden pain shot up my leg.

I was shot in the foot.

I fell limp in Mom's arms.

I started crying and screaming it hurt so bad.

"I HATE YOU, NICK!" I heard my mom say.

Then everything went... black.

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