bye bye, frankie.

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*Demi's POV*

Demetriana has been acting quite strange. I don't like it. She's saying there's this Frankie girl with her. I just hope Frankie don't have to pay any money to get in. She doesn't exist so that shouldn't be a problem.

We are in the car and I'm talking to Naya on the way to Disney Land. "Naya, I think that we should get her to talk to someone about this." I said nervously.

"Yeah, yeah I totally agree." She said nodding. "I can't have this Frankie girl in my class. People will bully her even more!" She said stressing out. I put my hand on her arm. I gave her a look of sympathy.

"Maybe you can take her tomorrow at lunch? Since she's always with you at lunch?" I offered. She smiled and nodded.

We parked the car in the parking lot as we arrived at Disney Land. "Let's go!" I heard Demetriana say to "Frankie". I rolled my eyes. Remember, I'm not completely a mature adult yet.

We walked up to the ticket booth. "3 tickets please!" I said to the woman sitting there. I smiled and then heard Demetriana say something. "Hmm?" I said.

"Fine. I wasn't gonna say anything, but you forgot about Frankie. She's standing right here." Demetriana pointed to the air next to her.

The lady looked horrified. I gave her a look as if to say not to worry about it. "Demetriana. Stop it right now. Let's go!" I said sternly. I'm getting sick of this Frankie shit. I grabbed her arm and pulled her along. She did the same to "Frankie".

We went on some rides. Most of them I sat with Naya. "Frankie" was with Demetriana.

On one ride, I tried to sit next to her. I sat down in the seat and she screamed. "Mom! You're crushing Frankie! Get up!" I quickly got up and ran to the back with Naya. That hurt. I'm not sitting on her... I'm crushing her.

There was this HUGE ride there, and I knew that Demetriana was scared of it, so I was going to sit next to her.

"Demetriana, I'm going to sit next to you. Frankie is next to Naya. Okay?" I said to Demetriana. She didn't hear me, so I just sat down.

"Mom. I don't want you next to me. I Frankie next to me." She said with an attitude. I boiled with anger.

"Frankie is fucking 6 years old and is a god damn imagi-" Naya cut me off and grabbed my arm. She pulled me back and made me sit with her.

The ride started going and as soon as we got to the top... Demetriana's screams covered a lot of area. I was pissed off. We went upside down and that's when she let out a bloody murder scream. Tears came out of her eyes. I started to feel bad, but what happened?

The ride was over and she still was crying. "Demetriana. What's up?" I said rubbing her back.

"She fell out! She's gone! She's dead!" Demetriana cried. I held her hand, but moved it back almost immediately.

"Don't touch me! Get away from me! I need to go get her!" Demetriana said scratching her arms. She legit sounds like such a baby right now. I'm embarrassed.

"Demetriana Devonna Lovato!" I screamed making her be quiet. "You're causing a scream! She was never real! Cut it out! I'm sick and tired of this attitude of yours and everything else! We're going home. You're an embarrassment!" I screamed in her face. She let tears creep down her face. By then, the cameras were rolling. I grabbed her wrist so hard she winced. I rolled my eyes and spoke. "I'm sorry. Walk faster!" I said.

We eventually reached the car with Naya trailing behind us. What kind of a stage is this?

The whole ride home Demetriana kept quiet. She kept looking out of the window.

Poor baby girl.

*Demetriana's POV*

Frankie is real.

I know she is.

She didn't die either.

She's sitting over there in the closet.

I'm not crazy.
I'm not crazy.
I'm not crazy.

They are.

*Demi's POV*

Naya and I were going to go wash up for dinner when we heard mumbling. We checked in every room until we went into Demetriana's and saw her sitting in the middle of the floor staring at the wall.

We walked in farther, but she didn't notice us. We could hear her repeating "I'm not crazy." over and over again. It's scaring the fuck out of me.

"Baby girl?" I said to her. She didn't pay attention. She kept rocking back and forth slowly picking up the pace. I became more aware of the situation. I rushed down beside her and eventually held her.

She screamed and started kicking hard. I wrapped my legs around her stomach and my arms folded around her. She was trying to get out. This startled me and Naya both.

"Naya! Go call!" I told her. This has happened to me before. She knows who to call.

In about 5 minutes, I heard sirens in the distance. Men in brown suits came in and took Demetriana strapping her down.

They gave me an address where I can see her tomorrow. I took it as they stabbed her with a needle for the second time today and took her away. I cried to myself. Hell yeah this was triggering. I just need to stay strong.

Naya rushed to my side and sat with me. She held me. She smelled like honey.

We went downstairs to watch a movie. We ended up watching Titanic and eating ice cream. We finished the movie and the ice cream which had so many teardrops in it.

Naya and I laughed at how pathetic we are. Then I remembered Demetriana. My face saddened and she knew just what I was thinking about. She gave me a hug and we watched another movie. Wasn't long until I fell asleep.

Into my deep dark thoughts.

Shorter chapter, but love youuu

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