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I swiftly made my way into the schools entrance. I kept my head down and my movements calm but quick. I was trying my best to keep as much attention away from me as possible. Students were littered all over the halls. Some having conversations while others made their way to class early. As I moved along a short chubby girl rushed passed me cutting me off. Gosh why are there so much kids out here, don't they got a class to get to I thought. I continued to speed thourgh the halls. I had to get to the safety of the classroom before he found me.

Sometimes I would make it to class and than most of my morning would be safe. But when I wouldn't make it, when he would catch me......
I pushed passed a group of kids who were walking way to slow in front of me. "Hey watch where you going!" one of the kids snarled at me. But I didn't look back to acknowledge him. My class was right around this left corner, I was almost there. My heart raced with joy. I was going to make it. I turned the corner but was stopped in my tracks as I bumped into something large and soft.

My nostrils were filled with the aroma of musk and I gagged as I took a step back. Uck it smells like I walked into the locker rooms I thought. My heart started to race faster and my knees started to shake. It's funny how my body knew the danger I was in before I did. When I finally recognized the smell it was to late. I was grabbed by the chin and lifted up to the point where I had to tip-toe in order to breathe.

"Well look who it is" said my bullys voice. Oh no, he caught me, I was in for a world of pain. My bullys name is Kenny but people call him Ken. He was the largest kid on the football team and was a star player. He was a wall of muscle and acney, he had a toothy grin and a monobrow that lookes a lot like a caterpillar resting on his large square face. Although he wasn't going to be winning any beauty pageants anytime he still was able to attract lots of girls.

I struggled to escape his grip but he held me tight. "What's the rush little Toby, you should already know the agenda, we go thourgh this everyday" he said inches away from my face. The smell of onions invaded my nose. Ken started to chuckle "you know what's up Toby, hand over the money and we'll call it a day" he said loosening his grip a little. "No, you say that everyday but evertime I comply you still hurt me" I struggled to say. A few students who were there just ignored the torture I was going thourgh. Who could blame them, this happens everyday.

Ken smiled and was about to speak but I swung my fist at him striking right in the nose. He let me go and I stumbled a few steps back catching my breath. Ken didn't even looked phased, in fact he looked amused. "Wow, that's different, I guess today you finally became a man" Ken teased. I didn't know why but it felt as if 75% of my fear was replaced with burning hot anger. I was sick of Ken and his toothy smile. It's time I smack that stupid caterpillar off his face.

Ken took a step towards me and it took every ounce of courage in me to advance to him. I rushed at him with my fist raised. Ken smiled even wider and simply just waved his the back of his hand at my face. But I seen it coming and ducked down dodging the attack by inches. Before Ken realized I was right in front of him. I brought my fist up with all of my strength and the punch connected with the bottom of his chin. There was a loud SMACK! And a shot of pain ran up my arm. Yes I did it, I actually landed a hit.

I was starting to feel amazing, powerful, unstoppable. But to my horror I realized Ken was not hurt at all, not even a little. He smiled at me, I could almost see the madness in his eyes. All the courage in me drained out. Ken than pushed me back and followed up with a gruesome back hand. I flew back and landed on my back. My cheek felt like it just had been zapped with electricity. As I tried to get back up Ken planted his foot on top of my chest. I yelped in pain as a large amount of pressure was placed on top of me.

"Oh you're in for it now" Ken threatened. He raised his fist and that's when I lost all hope. I closed my eyes, praying someone would save me. Miraculously my prayer was answered. "Ken stop" a female voice said. I opened my eyes and seen Kens fist was still up but his head was facing towards someone behind him. "Awe come on, I was just having a little fun" Ken said with a cheery tone. "Get off of him Ken, or else" the voice ordered. Than the pressure on my chest was lifted and I gasped for air.

I laid there coughing but relived I was saved by......
Who was it that saved me? I sat up and looked to see a beautiful blonde girl with loads of make-up on her face. I recognized her right away, her name is Cindy. She was one of the most beautiful girls in the school. All the guys wanted her, even me (although I knew it'll never happen). She crouched down next to me, she smelled like a meadow of flowers.

"Hey, im really sorry about my friend are you alright?" she asked. Was she talking to me? Girls don't talk to me. To stunned to speak I nodded my head yes. She smiled at me "good,what's your name?" she asked. "T-toby" I stuttered, "well Toby, im throwing a party at my place at 6:00 at my place to celebrate the ending of the school year, would you like to come?" she asked. Without thinking I shook my head again. She stood up and pulled a card from her pocket. "Good, this is my address, see you there" she said as she handed me the card.

I stood there still surprised that the cutest girl in school spoke to me. Cindy scowled at Ken and walked away. Ken chuckled and looked back at me. "You're lucky this time but I'll come for you tomorrow" than he turned walked away from me. I sat there on the floor with the card still in my hand. Had I finally been invited to a party?

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