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"This power is amazing, I've never felt nothing like it!" Majesta yelled, she then looked at me like I was a new toy. "Now are you ready to die child?" she asked me. I hung my head down low, I've failed. "Do your worst" I told her, but Majesta just laughed. "Who said anything about me going to be the one to kill you". I looked up at her in confusion, she just sat there smiling. "I'll leave you to wonder on that child but as of right now I have a world to rule". Majesta then thrust her halberd to the side and it literally cut through space and created a small portal to what looked like a dark beach.

"Come, leave them" Majesta ordered before walking through the portal. Cindy went first and then the man that was there with us. Sandra started to make her way to. "Sandra don't you worry" I said to her as she walked towards the portal, she kept on moving but as she did she turned to me. "I'll come back for you" I finished. She didn't seem to respond but a single tear was seen coming down her right eye, then she disappeared into the portal just before it closed.

I couldn't believe it, after all the training all the teachings after everything that I worked so hard to build up was lost in a matter of two days. I wanted to sit there and cry but turns out I had bigger problems. "Umm Toby" Derek said trying to scoot closer to me. "What's wrong" I said looking over at him. But I soon realized what he was so worried about. Brandons body started to stand, although it wasn't doing much of a good job it started to get on its feet.

"Quick!" Derek yelled "grab Ravens sword from my belt!". I looked down at his pants but didn't see any sword. "I don't see it" I said, Brandons body started to get its barrings. "It's disguised as a buckle remember!" Derek screamed. I looked more closely and spotted the buckle on his belt. "I think I see it" I said turning myself at an angle to grab the sword. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground as Brandons body jumped on top of me. "Hahahahaha" it laughed with a large toothy grin. He barley looked like himself anymore.

His teeth were sharp like a sharks and his skin was now had a hint of gray to it. "Brandon stop!" Derek yelled again, but he didn't answer. Brandon wrapped his fingers around my neck and started to choke me all the while he was laughing. I struggled for air but he was to strong. I couldn't fight back this was it, this was where my life ends. I closed my eyes ready to face the inevitable. But Derek threw himself right into Brandon knocking him off of me. Derek rolled beside me as I coughed for air. "Toby snap out of it and grab the sword!".

I looked over at his belt again and reached for the buckle. Brandon started to stand again. "Brandon is no more" he said as he slowly got up. "There is nothing left but hate, destruction, and evil". I grabbed the buckle but when I pulled it didn't budge. "PULL HARDER!" Derek screamed at me. Brandon then got back up to his feet. "You will know true misery just like I do, I am chaos, I am devastation, I am fear, I....AM.....CARNAGE!!!". I then yanked Dereks buckle off and it instantly transformed into Ravens sword.

I rolled out of the way as Carnage junped at us. He missed me and hit the floor again. I hurried and used the blade to cut the rope holding my hands. Carnage jumped back up to his feet but as soon as he did I already had cut myself free. I stood up and faced him with the sword in my hand. He just smiled at me and stood there. "You seem tense Toby" he joked "Brandon please don't make me kill you" I cried. He just shook his head "the name's Carnage and the only killing here will be you and your friend".

Before I could respond Carnage started to walk slowly towards me. "I'm going to squeeze your head like a balloon so stay still and we'll have some fun". I pointed the blade at him "no Brandon stop this" I ordered. But Carnage only kept going. I stood there as he walked right into the blade. It sunk into his chest and out his back but he kept on walking like he felt nothing. I stood there dumbfounded, Carnage reached for my head and grabbed me with both his hands. "Now Toby, you will meet your demise".

He started to squeeze and a splitting pain shot throughout my brain. I yelled in pain and struggled to get free, but without the balancer my strength was depleted. I looked over at Derek one last time and seen he was still tied up on the ground looking at me in horror. He had to get free to save me. I yanked the sword out of Carnage and flung it towards Derek. It landed a few inches away from him but he rolled over towards it. "Wow Toby you gotta tuff skull, but that won't be a problem for me" Carnage said.

"Well will this be a problem?" Derek asked from behind Carnage. Carnage turned around but was met by Ravens blade swung to his neck cutting his head clean off. The body let me go as it fell to the ground. There was no blood at all. I fell to my knees holding my throbbing head. Derek rushed to my side. "You okay buddy?" He asked, it took me awhile to focus but I answered yes with a nod. "Who's there!" a voice yelled from the back of the room. Derek jumped up and raised his sword ready to fight.

Suddenly a group of men came out of the shadows, but they didn't look like anyone in Majestas army, they looked clean and organized. The man leading the group was a skinny man with brown hair in red armor and a large axe. He looked at Derek then down at me. "You to, where's Majesta she was last spotted in this area" he asked. Derek snarled "and who are you supposed to be?" He asked. The man looked Derek in the eye "I am General Velro of the ministry of magic" he presented. Dereks sword dipped a little "the ministry was attacked and taken over" he said.

Velro nodded "yes but there are those who survived, who are you to?" He asked. Derek put the sword away in his belt and sighed in relief "doesn't matter who I am, the real person you should be worried about is our guardian over here" Derek said pointing to me. Velro looked at me "you're the guardian?" He asked in astonishment. I rubbed my head and nodded. Velro looked me up and down looking for something. "Where's the balancer?" He asked. I looked up at his face "Majesta took it" I answered. Velros eyes widened in fear "all hope is lost" he whispered.

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