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"Sorry Mom but it's not my choice" I said as I stood at the front door with all my stuff packed besides me. Mom and Dad were standing in front of me and Mom was crying her eyes out. There were two guards from the Ministry dressed like cops standing behind me. "The police said whoever attacked the school is after me, so until they find him I'll have to lay low with them. "I don't understand, why cant we come with you?" she asked. "I already told you Mom, the attacker can track you guys to me, it's to risky" I exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" my Dad asked, "positive" I told him. "Toby we have to go"one of the guards said. I nodded my head "sorry guys I have to go" I said as I lifted my suitcase. "Be safe my son" Dad said. Mom hugged me "call us when you can, I wanna know when your safe okay" she sobbed. "Okay Mom I will but I really have to go now" I said. She let me go and with a final farewell I walked over to the police car the Ministry provided for us and made my way in.

"Your parents seem nice" one of the guards said as he went behind the wheel. I smiled "yeah thanks". We drove off and I looked back at my house. Ms.Pillar says they'll be protected by her best, I hope they'll be fine. We drove for about five minutes into an abandon parking lot. The guard in the passengers seat waved his hand in front of him and a portal to the Ministry opened in front of us. "Hey if you guys can open portals why do we need dragons?" I asked as we drove through the portal.

"Because we need them for people who aren't skilled enough to create portals" the guard in the passengers seat told me. Oh that makes sense then, hopefully I master magic quick so I can get home soon. We were now driving on a street with a whole different scene. It was night time and raining. We drove past many shops with weird names like "weapons are us" and "magic mart". We finally parked in front of the same tower I was first taken to. "Hey remember this is the place you attacked us" the Guard driving said. "Actually you guys attacked me" I said.

They both laughed "yeah it seems so" he said. I then grabbed all my stuff (I had my sword in my bag strapped on my back) and we ran thorough the rain into the tower. The inside looked amazing, there was a fire place at the far end of the room. The floor was a red carpet and the furniture was red leather, there were tall windows on either side of the place and a stair case . Ms.Pillar was sitting on one of the couches in front of the fire, but she wasn't alone. There was a girl sitting next to her. I dropped my stuff by the door expect for my bag of course.

And made my way over to them "hey" I said making my presence known. Ms.Pillar turned and smiled at me. "Hello Toby, we've been waiting" she said as she stood up. "Id like you to meet out newest member of the Ministry". The girl slowly turned to face me, my breath was taken away as thunder boomed thorough the sky and lightning lit up the room. I quickly drew my sword and growled her name "Cindy". Cindy looked at me in fear and jumped up from the couch behind Ms.Pillar.

"Whoa Toby put that away that's no way to treat a guest" Ms.Pillar said. "How'd she get here?" I asked with my sword still up. Ms.Pillar looked confused "I brought her here, she recently unlocked her magical ways and the League if darkness went after her in the hopes of tracking you" she exclaimed. "No, that's to much of a coincidence!" I yelled "I hate her". "Toby put that weapon away before you kill us!" Ms.Pillar screamed. The guards that were standing at the door then made their way out. I took a deep breath and put my sword back into its scabbard.

"Now, I was just explaining to Cindy the same thing I explained to you when you first came, I just thought it would good for you to met her" Ms.Pillar explained. I nodded "no we met already, just get her out of here"I said. "Okay but she's staying Toby" Ms.Pillar said. "What?! Why?" I asked, Ms.Pillar scowled "it's to dangerous for her out there she'll stay here until it's safe, she'll be in the home next door to you". I groaned "fine but she better stay away from me" I threatened.

Ms.Pillar wrapped her arm around Cindy "fine but we'll talk tomorrow, which is when you'll start training" Ms.Pillar said as she and Cindy made their way to the exit after they left I took my bags and went upstairs. I looked for my room only to see an empty hallway. I made my way to the end and found a button on the wall. Hmm that's weird, I pressed it and a portal opened up besides me. I looked in to see the same room I was trapped in the first time. I walked in and the portal closed behind me.

I threw my bags down and jumped into bed. I hated how Cindy had followed me here. I swear I'll cut her if she comes near me. I closed my eyes and calmed down as I listened to the rain outside. The thing Im mostly worried about is Sandra. I hope one day we became more then friends, she looked amazing. Cindy better not ruin my chances with her.

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