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I landed back on the ground, the people that had attacked us were now gone, along with the park. Derek and Sandra were safe inside if the force field she created. The park was no more then a flat surface of dirt and ash. Sandra canceled the force field and Derek ran over to me. "Dude that was amazing, how were you able to cast such a powerful spell?" he asked. I just smiled and shrugged "im a guardian" I told him as I put my sword into my scabbard. Soon as it went in it transformed back into a book bag with the teddy bear.

My clothes returned to there old form. Derek playfully punched my shoulder "you're amazing" he said. "Sorry to interrupt" Sandra said as she looked out onto the streets outside the park. People were parked all around and were taking photos on their phones. "But Ms.Pillar is going to kill us" that's when the wind started to blow against us. Sandra looked up and smiled "Evact!" she said with glee. I looked up and seen what was causing all the wind to blow. There was a large black dragon hovering over us.

It was as large as a truck and had a wing span of about 8 yards.  "Whoa" I said as it landed in front if Sandra. Derek moved his hands in an organized fashion. He then slowly raised his hands and as he did the dirt from the ground raised until we were engulfed in a cloud of dirt. "This should cover us untill we lift off"  Derek said. Sandra ran up and hugged the head of the dragon. "Hey girl how you doing?" she asked. Evact just growled in pleasure. "Okay Sandra that's enough" Derek interrupted. Sandra turned and stuck her tongue at him.

"Fine let's go" she said annoyed, she walked to Evacts left side and he dropped his wing. She climbed up onto her back and Derek followed behind. "C'mon Toby let's go" Derek called to me. I shook my head "there's no way im going near that thing" I told him. To be honest the dragon looked scary. Suddenly Sandra shot her chain out and it wrapped around my body. She pulled me up onto the back of the beast. "Hey what the heck!" I yelled. Derek started to laugh, "she did that to me the first time too" he laughed.

I didn't notice this before but the Dragon had a huge saddle on its back. All three of us were able to sit and relax. "Okay Evact, take us to the Ministry of magic" Sandra ordered. Evact then leaped into the air like a speeding bullet. It was like being on a roller coster. "How are we not falling off!" I yelled over the roaring wind. "Because every dragon comes with its own magic saddle that shields us from the outside elements" Derek explained as he unwrapped the chains from off of me. Before I even realized it was now snowing but the snow wasn't hitting us.

"What? Weren't we just at my home town?" I asked in confusion. "Yeah but now we're in Antarctica, these Dragons move really fast". "The Ministry of Magic is in Antarctica?" I asked. "Yeah just look for yourself" Derek pointed out ahead of us. I looked to see an extremely large castle floating in the mist of an ocean. Unlike its surroundings it looked pretty warm. "Just like the saddles we put on dragons the Ministry has the same kind of shield around it that cloaks us from the outside world and keeps us warm" Derek said as we approached it.

We flew right thorough the barrier and the temperature rose immediately. I looked over the saddle watching the city from below. There were millions of people on the ground. I seen shops and homes even schools. "Who are these people?" I asked. "Those are people who work for the Ministry or people who just decided to stay" Derek explained. "We're here" Sandra said as Evact landed into a large tower with a hole in its roof. The tower was filled with other dragons of all shapes and sizes. Evact put her wing down and we all made our way down.

"Hey!" a guard yelled as he came running towards us. "What's the matter?" Sandra asked the man. He wiped some sweat from his head as he heavily took in the air. "I ran all the way here to tell you that Ms.Pillar wants to speak to you three at her office" he said. Sandra nodded "okay im sure she's going to happy with us" Sandra said smiling.
"I AM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU ALL!" she screamed at us. We were sitting in her office which was more like a large room.

She was standing behind her desk as she glared at us. "Except you Toby, You're new to all this but Derek im used to being mad at you, what really surprises me is you Sandra". Sandra looked like she was about to cry "im sorry Ms.Pillar" she apologized. "You better be sorry, since when did you start sneaking out of the Ministry?" she told her. "Wait, they protected me, isn't that what they were supposed to do?" I asked. Ms.Pillar sighed "yes but in the process they destroyed a school hallway and an entire park. Do you know how much people we had to hunt down and memory wipe, not to mention how long it takes to rebuild the destruction"

"Yeah but no one was hurt" I told her. "Toby we have a secret to uphold, we can't afford mistakes, now that the League knows where you live I have no choice to keep you here" she said. "Wait what about my-" Ms.Pillar put her hand up cutting me off. "Your family will be heavily guarded by my best and since you have no friends you wont have to worry about them".
"Oh okay but how long will I stay?" I asked

Ms.Pillar smiled "until you're fully trained, Derek will be the one to train you in combat" "awesome, were gonna have so much fun" Derek smiled. "Don't interrupt me" Ms.Pillar growled. "Anyways I'll have Sandra exercise your mind so you don't get a muddy brain from being away from school so long. And lastly I'll personally teach you magic, is that understood?" she asked. I nodded my head "understood" Sandra said "diddo" Derek said. "Good, now get out of my face" she said pointing at the door.

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