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A few more guards came running in. I was on the floor unable to move. The older woman looked at me in anger "take him into the building of heros" she ordered the guards. "Um and the sword Ms.Pillar?" one of the guards asked. "Guard it with your life, it'll return to him eventually" she ordered. She then spread her large water wings and flew off. Two guards lifted me up and carried me away. "So, do you think this Toby person is pure evil or good?" one the guards asked as they dragged me along. "I think evil, we should just kill him in my opinion" he answered.

"Ha same here, I don't know why Ms.Pillar is so merciful". We made it to a road where a line of cars were parked. All of them were white with black rims. The two guards dragged me to one and stuffed me in the back seat. Then the both of them got into the front and drove off. About five minutes of sitting uncomfortably sitting in the back of this car we finally parked in front of a large building. It looked a lot like a museum. The two guys came from the front and took me out of the back seat.

They dragged me all the way up the steps of the building and into the front doors. We were in a large hallway with beautiful chandeliers all around the ceiling. Ms.Pillar and Derek were in the mist of the hallway involved in there own conversation. There he was, the guy who kidnapped me and brought me here. I tried with all my strength to move and miraculously I did. I shook the two guards off of me sending flying into the wall. I rushed at Derek who hadn't notice me yet.

As I ran I felt the weight of something in my hand.  I looked to see the sword was somehow back in my hand. I didn't care how it happened but I was happy with it. By the time Derek realized me my sword was already against his neck. "You" I growled. Derek looked at me and smiled "oh hey Toby, nice to see you again". I pressed the sword against his skin "where am I?! What's going on?!" I yelled. "Toby, please calm down all your questions will be answered if you cooperate with us" Ms.Pillar said.

I looked her in the eyes and seen a harsh fiery rage that shouldn't be tampered with, but at the same time a gental kindness. I stared at her for awhile until I finally put my sword down. "Fine, I just want to know what's going on" I said. Derek let out a large breath of air. "For a second there I thought you were going to gut me like a fish" he laughed. The two guards I knocked over came running to the rescue. "Sorry Ms.Pillar, we couldn't hold him for long" one of them exclaimed. "It's okay I didn't expect you two to hold a guardian for so long" she said.

A guardian?  What is she talking about? "Toby if you'd so kindly follow me" she then made her way deeper down the hall. I had no choice but to follow. "Im pretty sure you're wondering what's going on" she said as we walked down the hall. "Yes I really am" I said. "Well let me start off by saying that magic is real" she started. "What? Magic isn't real that's just a myth" I told her. She suddenly stopped and turned to face me.

She reached her hand out to me, water started to come from her hand and float up into the air. The water started to make shape until it was formed into a small version of me. "You were saying?" she asked sarcastically. I looked at her water statue in awe. "How?" was the only words I was able to make out. Her water statue then evaporated and she turned and continued down the hall. "Magic has been here since the beginning of time" she explained. "Anyone can use magic because it is embedded in all of us. But in order to use it you must unlock from within yourself".

"So how was it discovered?" I asked. "Someone accidentally unlocked it within themselve and taught others how to do it" she answered. "The first people to ever use it had created the ministry of magic, which is where we are now. We make sure that people don't use their abilities for evil and that the government never finds out about it". "I can understand why" I said. Pillar sighed "sadly the ministry can't  save everyone, a few generations back the league of darkness was formed. They are an evil group of people who use their magic to do evil, we've been at war with them for awhile".

"Okay but what does this have to do with me, and why is this hallway so long?" I asked. But my last question was answered when we arrived at two large wooden doors at the end of the hall. Pillar pushed thourgh it and we both walked in. It was a large round room with paintings and statues of people all along the wall. "You Toby are a guardian" she told me. "What do you mean?" I asked. She smiled at the question "you're the one who now wields the balancer,which is the swords name.

You're supposed to protect the light side of this war and make sure evil doesn't take over like the guardians before you". I shook my head in disbelief, there was no way I was even remotely strong enough to do this. "Nope I don't want any part of this, here's your sword and sorry for everything"I said presenting the balancer to her. She laughed "that's not how it works Toby, the sword is a weapon of limitless power, it can only be welded by those of pure goodness or pure evil"

"Um okay well I'll just leave it here with you" I said. Pillar shook her head "once the balancer chooses its host it will always appear to him". Ugh that's just great, a magical sword that stalks me. "Now let's explain how you got it" she said as she lead me to an unfinished statue. It was shaped like a woman holding up a stick. "That looks like the stick I found in the alley" I muttered to myself. "Indeed, the balancer changes form to suit its guardians needs, this woman named Sarah was the last to use it" Pillar told me.

"What happened to her?" I asked, "oh she died yesterday" Pillar said. "Some people from the league of darkness attacked her in an attempt to steal the balancer for their leader Majesta. Her heart is pure evil so she's able to steal it, I guess she was present at the attack so Sarah self destructed her own body to save the balancer". I looked into the eyes of the statue. A beautiful face of a woman was framed there. "So this means the league of darkness is coming for me?" I asked. Pillar nods her head yes.

"But don't worry, Derek will protect you. Now come on, let's get you home

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